
Friday, April 4, 2014

5 years of motherhood.

Since One True Media is about to close up shop I needed to finish up my video. I have been working on it since I made Jason his Father's Day video gift...but since I am usually the one behind the camera it took me longer to compile what I could find. I can't believe I have been a Mom for 5+ years, on one hand it feels like it has been a whole lot longer than that...on the other it feels like they were all just born yesterday. It is a funny thing. The video is a longer one...but all the montages will be leaving the blog at the end of May, so it you want to see them do it sooner rather than later.

Sadly One True Media closed up our montages are no longer available to view.
Thankfully I was able to buy them all on DVD though.
Now I just have to find a new way to make them, I really loved One True Media so bummed they closed :(

The youngins had shots today, Xander was back on the brave team...with Lily and Jericho. Hayden still freaked out, but it was not DEFCON 1 this time LOL. Crying already Haddie...the nurse isn't even in the room yet.

Cool as cucumbers.

We have been seeing this Pedi since the triplets got out of the NICU, but I think this is our first time in this room. The bigs loved the sign language room!
The kiddos helped me make some cow pie cookies today. The last time I made these the trio were around 18 months old...seems like a lifetime ago. I reworked the recipe a touch to lighten it up a little, they were still super yummy. The recipe is on the page that I linked above, I cut the sugar in half, also cut the butter in half and added 2 Tbsp of coconut oil.

The trio's pirate Bday invites are coming along, I have half of them done now LOL.

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