
Thursday, April 24, 2014

Oh, that's good!

Nest watch: Day 4. I have become a nervous Nelly over this nest, every time I see a strange bird or squirrel in the yard I turn Gangster loose out there, hoping his presence deters the intruders from lingering. If anything happens to this nest my kids are going to be so heart broken. I feel like I have to police the situation, at least this should all be over with in a month...thank goodness baby birds grow fast.

Good news Daddy bird is back today! Dad is up high left in the tree, Mom is down lower right. Still working on getting a better pic of them.

Oh. My. Gosh. why have we never tried this stuff before?!?! Lunch today was 100% silent LOL, the kiddos ate their Nutella and banana sammies so fast, they barely looked up Hahaha.

Dinner tonight was a remake of this crock pot chicken and dumplings that I made a year + ago. I tried to "Skinny" it up a little...and made my own "cream of" soup instead of using the canned crap.

You need:
4-5 boneless skinless chicken breasts (we always use thighs)
2 family size cans of cream of chicken soup....*see below how I made my own.
Frozen bag of mixed veggies
Half-whole carton of fresh sliced mushrooms
1 Tbsp of butter
2 10 oz tubes of biscuits (next time I am going to try just came out with a lot of dumpling to a little chicken..and it would help lighten it up even more)
Pepper to taste

Put everything but the biscuits into the crock pot, cover and cook on low for 4 1/2 hours.
After 4 1/2 hours tear up biscuits into small pieces and place on top. Cover and cook another 30-45 minutes, until biscuits are done.

*To make your own cream of chicken soup:
This is enough to make the equivalent to 1 small can of I timed this by 6 to cover 2 family size cans.

1 tablespoon flour
1/2 tablespoon butter
1/2 cup chicken broth
1/2 cup milk...I used skim
salt and pepper, to taste

Melt the butter in a small sauce pan over medium-low heat. When melted, whisk in the flour and continue whisking until smooth and bubbly. Remove from the heat and slowly whisk in the chicken broth and milk. Return to the heat and bring to a gentle boil, whisking constantly, until the soup thickens. Add salt and pepper to taste.

It turned out fabulous...but like I said it may have been a little biscuit-y (which is my fave part of course) so if you want to try it with 1 can of biscuits instead of two.

I tried out my coconut flour...and tried my first 'Mug cake' too...unfortunately they did not turn out. I won't blame it on the coconut flour though, will have to try something else with it again soon. I also tried my first coconut milk, um, I think it may be an acquired taste, that I just don't have should be great for cooking though.

The kids ate it well...crazy kids, put a nice home cooked, healthy and delicious meal in front of them and they won't touch it, but give them a totally sub par dessert and they eat it like it is the best thing ever LOL.

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