
Friday, April 25, 2014

The Tooth Fairy flies again!*

Nest 5. Still just 4 little eggs. Mom and Dad are doing their job, hopefully these eggs are fertile and will be hatching in the next 4 or 5 days, if my May 1st guess is right. I can't wait.

I have been thinking about ordering a print of one of these for our gallery wall, kinda cool that their are 4 eggs and we have 4 kiddos...kinda fits. I will have to first pick my very fave one, that will be you may have noticed I have a hard time editing down and picking only the best of my photos LOL.

Haddie lost one of her loose teeth today! This is her 3rd, but #4 should be out any day now too.

Silly sisters and their missing front teeth!

Couple funny video clips for you... I forgot to post this one the other day, the girls were entertaining everyone in Costco with their singing.

This one is of my little drama queen tonight. She had taken a bunch of pictures of herself making different faces, then she was going through them telling me what each one is called....including the last one..."nostril flair of total rejection" LMAO. She is so funny, I am pretty sure this is from the movie 'Kronk's New Groove' one of their new faves.

And so it doesn't seem like it is puppies and rainbows over here all the time...Xander and Jericho have been fighting like cats and dogs. Tonight at dinner Xander told Jericho they are breaking up. Hahaha!

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