
Saturday, May 17, 2014

A great day for a party!

The kiddos had a birthday party to go to today, a cousin of their cousin Hailee's. The rain is due back soon, but held off the outdoor park party went off without a hitch. It ended up being a great day to be at the park...and about 2 1/2 hours of much needed energy burning went down.

The angle of this pic doesn't help, but dang Jericho is sprouting all of a sudden. Why does my not even 3 1/2 year old look a good year older than he is?

Little beast!

The trio loved getting to hang out with Hailee, and all the other really nice kids at the party.

There was a pinata at this party...I am happy to report the kiddos know just what to do, I'm glad since we will have one at the trio's Bday party in a couple months. Poor Haddie, since she was the tallest of the little kids...that got to take one swing each, she ended up not getting a turn because the kid in front of her ended up getting a home run on the thing.

The other 3 got their turns...and had a lot of fun swinging at it.

The cake and cupcakes looked awesome. My boys were LOVING the total boy, super hero, birthday theme LOL.

Birthday boy, Alec, had a lot of backseat candle blowers Hahaha.

Fun afternoon, hope today can tide us over for a little bit...the rain is due to return tomorrow for a while.

A little funny for you... Jason and I were talking to the triplets about starting a chore chart tonight. I am explaining what their chores will be and the compensation they will earn. Lily looks at me and says..."Mom, how do you spell 'watching'?" when I asked her why she said "that will be my chore, watching TV". Oh Lily are so my child LOL.

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