
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

More baby pool fun!

We have gotten so much use out of this little baby pool already, and summer isn't even here yet! The kiddos got to play with cousin Hailee this afternoon...that is always a good time :)

The girls, these 3 sure love hanging out.

3 down the slide!

Rough landing LOL.

Fun, fun, fun!

Auntie Amber was nice enough to bring us a couple wine coolers...seriously it has probably been 15 years since I had one of these. Not too bad to have on a hot day chilling in your back yard watching the kids play.

About when the hose got broken out it was time to change it up.

Scooter fun! The trio are getting a little better, Hailee does amazing on hers...competitive Miss Haddie got a little upset that she wasn't the best at something Hahaha.

Such a busy day = nappy nappy for the little man!!! What an amazing spring this has been so far!

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