
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Beach fun, day 2.

Day two of our short beach getaway. The birds were awake early, which woke up Xander. Once Xan is up he is not quiet until everyone is up. This kid could talk the paint off a wall, seriously LOL. Later we figured out our 5am avian wake up call was due to us forgetting to close a window. Now that is some sound proofing, we will be remembering to close that window tonight.

Our first stop was a small marine science center, another smaller version of OMSI, but still a fun place to spend a couple hours.

Lots of fun things to explore and discover.

Checking out some sounds.

Everyone loved this high tech touch table....pretty swanky.

This tank was a had Marlin, Nemo, Dory and a couple others in there :)

This is a female Orca's skull.

We watched a short video on sea snails before heading back to the room for lunch.

After lunch we took a walk from our resort to the Devil's Punchbowl.

This sitka spruce is 18 1/2 ft around...whoa.

The walk was nice. Though we didn't think it through very much, nice walk to the beach...not so fun, tired, wet & sandy, walk home from the beach LOL.

Lots of time spent stopping and smelling the flowers.

And picking lots of pretty flowers for Momma...awww my sweet kids.

My little wild man, such a character.

Looks like 5am was a little early for him too, hopefully he will sleep in later tomorrow morning.

So many warning signs at all these fun places...crazy.

My little rock lover, Haddie and I spent a lot of time looking for cool rocks today. Came home with 2 buckets full of neat ones.

Many of my pictures didn't come out so great today...a little to "hot" from the beautiful sunny day. I love them anyway :-p

They got to do a lot of playing in the sand today, which they LOVE.

We did have a little sadness. The kids found a dead seagull, and a dead crab....and they tried to bury both of them.

This one turned out kinda neat.

Another beautiful day!

We have got to get this girl some pants that don't fall off LOL.

Such a fun afternoon.

Our walk back was longer...funny how that works LOL, but a yummy spaghetti dinner made everything all better.

After dinner we hit the beach by our resort again. I think the kids could get used to this...maybe even me too.

We did some more exploring, this time we started off going around some big rocks to see if the resident seals were home. They weren't...bummer.

Jason manned the camera for a little while today, of course on a day I look like crap. Thanks babe LOL.

Starting some more tidal pool exploration.

Found some baby crabs, that I just could not catch, and some baby fish too. How critters can be so evasive in a little pool of water is mind blowing LOL.

Haddie and I loved trying to catch stuff, even if we didn't have much success.

They jumped this spot over and over...the angle is funny, they cleared it with no trouble, even though it looks like he is about to get soaked.

Go Bug!

This sea anemone caught Jason's looks like it is eating something.

The girls and I then found Turbo. This little guy was hauling shell Hahaha!

I thought the tracks it left were pretty neat.

Jason was trying to find a starfish...but I ended up finding one first. He was a little banged up, but he was still alive, hopefully he stayed that way.

Exploring some little caves.

We were here!

Aww wub.

We went into the punch is cool how different things can look between low and high tide.

I didn't want to take the kids too far in, so Jason made a solo trip and took some pics for us to see.

Such a neat spot.

What a lovely day we had. Wish we could win Powerball, so every day could be like today :)

Lily would agree, right up until she stepped into what looked like a shallow tidal pool, that was beach side...right in the sand, and ended up in a hole up to her chest LOL. Jason had my camera at the moment so I didn't get any pics until we were all on our way home. She was a good sport about it thankfully.

I am going to be so sad to go home tomorrow evening, we should do this more often.

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