
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

A little beach vacation!

Today was day one of our short beach vacay. You know us, short but jam packed full of fun...which I'm sure you also know means LOTS of pictures, brace yourselves LOL. We stayed at this older, but beautiful, resort....called the Inn At Otter Crest.
The place is so big they actually have staff that drive you to and from your room in golf carts whenever you need to go anywhere. Boy I thought for a couple minutes there the golf cart rides were going to be the kids favorite part of the trip LOL.

Our room was nice, it was a 1 bedroom/loft, 1 1/2 bath townhouse type set up. The kids only freaked me out a couple times looking over the loft wall...they got this momma bears wrath and quickly learned to stay away from the death drop.

Hello up there!

We did have a little bit of a rocky start, we were not in the room for 10 exaggeration, when the front desk called our room to let us know the neighbors called to complain about the noise. The kids were not being out of control loud, they were a little excited to check out the new room...which did have stairs so with 6 people going up and coming down a few times each it could have sounded like a herd of elephants, but I mean what can you do with 4 kids under 6??? Once we got unpacked we had plans to be out of the room for the rest of the day, but I was kind of ticked off and didn't want to deal with this complainer or yell at my kids making them walk on egg shells for the next 3 days, so we stopped in the office on our way out to see if maybe they just wanted to move us, because seriously a room full of kids is never going to be silent. Jason went in to talk to them, I tend to be a little hot headed so he thought he would have better luck LOL. He came out and told me the neighbors had actually complained twice in our first 10 minutes there so the resort moved them. Good. I hope they got a nice bubble far away from children, noise or any other signs of life.

Hello down there!

Haddie setting up the kids beds, I am so glad we have at least 1 kid that likes things tidy and put together.

The plan was for the kids to share these beds, and Jason and I use the sleeper sofa downstairs...but we ended up all sleeping up here. Jericho needed help calming down. That's OK, we have kids that sleep in their own rooms 99.9% of the time, sharing a bed with them once in a great while is actually fun, cozy, sweet and a little refreshing.

Uh Dude, the fridge doesn't have anything in it yet. I think my boys are starting another growth spurt...they are hungry all the time LOL. It was really nice having the full kitchen, kept us from having to eat out for every meal.

The view from our deck, love it. It was also right by the pool (that buildling there is the rec room with the pool behind it)...which we didn't get to this trip, but the stairs to the beach are right by the pool. That close access was AWESOME!

Our first stop of the day was the Oregon Coast Aquarium. We haven't been to this place since the triplets were babies. They had a good time seeing new things and people last time...but on this trip they really had a blast.
One thing I hate about being on the beach, and the reason I would NEVER want to live at the beach...scary. Yeah, I'm a bit of a worry wart.

Fun times exploring and checking everything out.

Jericho of course climbing and jumping on stuff that he isn't supposed to be climbing and jumping on.

The seals were great.

The kiddos got to watch a little training, trick, feeding session with the seals.

Then we moved on to their bird area, we got to watch birds dive and swim under water for fish.

How much they have grown since our last trip here, my big kids.

I forgot how big this place much to do. On to the indoors stuff.

So many beautiful tanks and their amazing inhabitants.


They really enjoyed the touching tanks and pools. So many cool things to touch, like Sea Anemone.

I was impressed that everyone was so excited and eager to touch cases of the "Ewww, that's icky" here!

Of course leave it to Jericho to try and touch the anemones mouth.

They had a couple really fun kiddie play areas set up too.

Just doing a little fishing.

Checking out a beaver dam.

The kids loved all the hands on stuff, it is nice that we have not made it to OMSI in a pretty long time...this part of the aquarium is a lot like OMSI.

Sand is always a hit.

Of course water is a hit too.

A nice lady offered to take a photo for us :)

Wild boy.

The otters were very attentive to the kids.

So cute!

I love my crew.

Headed to the shark area.

Had to recreate a photo Xan and I took the last time we were here.
Blast from the past. Look at baby Xander...too adorable.
Surrounded by sharks, sting ray and fish...pretty cool!

Almost done, just a quick stop over at the little park to climb on more stuff.

The munchkins loved this part too...and it gave them another 30 or so minutes to run off a little more energy.

Really fun "toys" to climb on.


Mom and Dad are looking a little tired LOL.

Thumbs up little man.

The girls made a new friend, they played for pretty much the whole half hour.

We had hours and hours of fun at the aquarium...good times!

Until next time!

After we left the aquarium it was dinner time. Jason really wanted to check out the Rogue Brewing spot.
It stunk so bad as you walked through the brewery section, I am not really a beer maybe it was extra stinky to me. I was worried I wasn't going to be able to eat if I had to smell that. Thankfully the restaurant was far enough removed that the stench didn't reach in there.

The kiddos were each given a complimentary taste of their Rogue root beer. The server did not ask us first, or we probably would have declined...the kids have not had soda before, and we kinda wanted to keep it that way for a while longer, but since they were kind enough to bring them some we figured a little shot glass taste would be OK. As it turns out the only one we have to worry about is Jericho LOL. Xander actually tasted his, but didn't like it. Lily smelled hers and refused to taste it.

Jericho on the other hand, Jericho thought he was dreaming. He grabbed his shot glass and downed his first taste of root beer, with zero qualms about it Hehehe. Look at his is like he is saying...Oh my gosh, is this for me?!?!

And me thinks he liked it Hahaha.

Then there is Haddie, she started crying...I think we may have gone a tad too far in telling the kids soda is not too healthy for them. When we told her it was OK to try a little she tossed all the things we have been saying about soda for the last couple of years back at us, when we told her it was still ok to taste it now and then, she lost it. How dare we try to poison her temple with root beer. Poor kid LOL.

Xan tried it once more...still not a fan.

Lily totally ignored hers and moved on to coloring. What were we thinking, trying to give her this nasty brew LOL. She looks none too pleased.

Our drinks and food were really good, and the staff was super nice to the kids.

They had a whole kid corner filled with toys and games to keep the kiddos occupied.

Pretty Bug!

I don't usually take pictures in the bathroom...but I had to take this one.
After dinner we went back to our hotel and hit the beach. My littles were so excited to finally get to the beach. Um, you do plan to take us to the beach, on our beach vacation LOL.

Running on the sand in his bare feet.

Yup, don't look too close...why do they always have to pee at the most inopportune times?!

So many little tidal pools to explore for critters.

Thank goodness the sun shines until like 9pm...we had hours of fun playing and exploring on the beach.

Lots of sea snails and anemones to touch and investigate.

So many totally amateur, but pretty amazing photos.

Lily said she was making art....this kid loves to have messy fun.

I am not sure how we lucked out like this, but the whole 3 days we are set to be here are supposed to be nice. That is pretty hard to get on the Oregon coast in May....especially when we booked it 3 months ago, not knowing what the weather would be like at all. Love it when that happens!

What a great beach...can't wait to come back tomorrow!

We had to bribe the littles with ice cream cones to get them to head back to our room. On our way we ran into a little bunny.

The kids were pretty tired from a full day of fun, but also pretty excited so bed time was a little rough. We put on a movie and after a few minutes of crazy they all passed out...Jericho first LOL.
We had to unplug the phone, we don't have a land line at home so they just couldn't leave this one alone.

Sweet dreams kiddos...more fun to be had tomorrow, so you better rest up!

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