
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Kids are so perfect...just don't screw em up.

If you can stand the blatant honesty, and sometimes uncomfortable questions, the stuff that is on their hearts and minds....and so, often flies out of their mouths, just amazes me. It keeps me smiling, laughing, scratching my head, searching for the right answers and endlessly looking for the right way to guide and teach them. At the same time getting taught by them. One of those amazing "lessons" came about yesterday.

Three of the munchkins spent almost all day out side. This lead to lots of 1:1 quality time, and great conversations, with Xan. One such marriage. We were watching 'Love It or List It, Too' and the home owners were a gay couple. I think this was the first time my almost 6 year old really noticed a gay couple. Xander went through quite the process trying to figure the situation out...and at first he seemed rigid to the idea. Then he ran through other they are friends, and then he said they haven't found their wives yet LOL. At first he really wasn't too sure about what he was seeing, and what I was trying to explain to him. Then after a few more minutes of talking about love and how some people love differently, and that it is just fine to do so, he said "Mom, I want to marry a girl....but my son Chase (another of today's convos he shared that he plans to name his son Chase...hope his future wife is OK with that choice LOL) can marry a boy if he wants to." And just like that the discussion was over.

It is amazing how we have so much control over our kids minds and hearts....with great power comes great responsibility. I see now how I could have spun that whole situation differently and set Xander down a path of hate, and judgment....but instead, I hope, I helped him start down a kinder and more accepting path.

Lets raise our kids to be accepting of those that are different, lets raise our kids to love others, lets raise our kids to be tolerant and not judgmental....especially when it is about something that doesn't concern or impact them what so ever. Lets keep them perfect and beautiful, inside and out. Imagine what a wonderful world it would be.

And to top this LOVE is LOVE is a little funny. I totally did not pose these two, just noticed them napping like this and grabbed my camera for a couple pics. There is my big bad horrid Pit Bull....the Gangster of love LOL!

Fun stuff coming up soon...2 nights, 3 days at the beach later this week!!! The kids are so excited!

1 comment:

  1. You know I love Xan and your talk with him, but I am dying, melting, awwing all over at Gangster :*) How stinking CUTE!
