
Thursday, May 1, 2014

This is how you do it May!

Nest Watch...Day 11. We have got to be getting close.

How am I going to pick just 1 of these nest photos to print, it is going to be pretty hard...I love probably 4 or 5 of them LOL. Must learn to edit my "loves" with a more critical eye I think :)

The strawberries are flowering...I think we only lost 1 plant...not a bad average, especially for those of us lacking green thumbs.

Another picture of the lilac' pretty.

We thought 82 yesterday was hit 84. Hello May, let me be the first to welcome you :) Too bad the next 7 days call for 60's and rain LOL. Oh well, we will enjoy it while we can. The munchkins got right back to the pool.

My trio...can't believe these guys are almost 6, and about to start kindergarten, how did that happen?

Funny Lily from today...I asked her what she wanted for lunch today and she said "Mom, I don't have the slightest idea." Her Dad told her to stop acting like her Mother LOL. I will have to say Lily, indecision are lucky you're not a Libra.

Speaking of kindy...the round up/sign up at their school was tonight. They kicked off the evening with pizza dinner for everyone.

After dinner they put Frozen on in the gym to entertain the kiddos while parents filled out the registration paperwork.

My kiddos were bummed that we already prefilled out most of the paperwork, so they didn't get to watch much of the movie.

We got to tour the school...and check out the kindergarten classrooms. I think there will be FIVE different kindy classes...which is nice to keep class sizes down, but dang.

The trio seem excited, and loved getting to see everything and meet the different of the kindy teachers has twins, she was excited to share that tidbit with the triplets. They think twins are adorable of course LOL.

They each got to do a little craft, and we found out there are already 4 or 5 Lily's starting kindy this fall. Ugh, the annoyance of a popular name...glad only 1 out of 4 got saddled with a top 10 name. Poor Bug.

My crafting pro's are going to have no trouble keeping up with kindergarten crafts :) They also know/do just about everything on the "bare minimum" list we were given.

My kid who is not in the least bit interested in writing, and never has been, can write his own name!! Way to go Xan!

Of course the girls wanted to spend an hour on their craft, they weren't happy to cut it short LOL.

Their first school pictures.

They each got a book and a coloring page...all the minimums they should know/do to start kindy. I can't believe this September I will have 3 kindy kids. At least they don't have full days here, just M-F they won't be gone long :)
I got two new blog/family books today. I am still so behind, 2 years to be exact, but this helped put a dent in it.

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