
Friday, May 2, 2014

Grandma and Great Aunt Julie visits are always so fun!

Nest Watch...Day 12. I was actually surprised there wasn't a baby at today's should be any day now.

Grandma and Great Aunt Julie came over for lunch and a visit today...the kiddos are always so excited when they come over, and not just for all the fun goodies they bring ;)
Reading with Xan, he loves these sticker books.

The girls got these cute butterfly pompom pens...and of course a Ladybug book for our Lilybug.

All the kiddos got puzzles too, of course Lily got TinkerBell.

The girls got a can of Princess soup too...they loved it LOL.

Great Aunt Julie found this fun book...'Grandma and the Pirates'! The kids loved hearing Grandma read it.

Puzzle fun!

Nice job Jericho...and Julie :) My little cheese factory, just doesn't get any cuter! This little sweetheart has been telling me I'm "beautiful" a LOT lately...hmmm wonder what he wants LOL.

Grandma brought a bunch of stuffed animals for the, uh kids. She even brought Jason's Mickey that he had when he was a baby. Jericho had fun introducing the new Mickey to the old one.

This little guy is all mine...ok, ok, I will share with Lily.

More puzzles while we wait for lunch.

Grandma went out and grabbed some of the Hens and chicks I am still rehoming.

Jason came home with a couple things too...what a day! This looks so fun :)

I am tired of not having my printer hooked up, but we have no idea if it even still Jason got me a little cheap on that will be perfect until I decide what to do with my old one.

We are not quite ready to allow the kids TV's in their rooms...but the Tink TV from Dina and Natalia is perfect for the craft room. Jason even got to watch the Blazers win tonight...what a 3pt shot at the buzzer...whew!

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