
Saturday, May 3, 2014

Oh my gosh...we have nest activity!!!

Nest Watch...Day 13. After checking the nest every day since I first found it, I knew we would have a baby bird any day now, I was not prepared to find 3 at my check today!!! The eggs are laid 1 a day, so I thought they would hatch one a day too. It was amazing, and so funny to me...momma bird had 4 eggs, I have 4 kiddos too, momma bird had her first 3 hatch at once...and well I had my triplets first too.
Just too cute, I never was one that found baby birds ugly...they are beautiful to me in every way.

Trying to get a good shot is a little hard. The babies only sit up like this when the nest moves a little, and if a second or two passes without them receiving any food they huddle back down in the nest. So it was hard to jostle the nest a little, focus the camera and try to take a few good shots before the babies went back to resting...and trying to get all three to pop up together took a little more patience LOL. Hopefully as they get stronger the photo ops will get better Hahaha.

I did find out that, at least at this age, baby birds are totally silent. They pop up and open wide looking for food, but they don't make a peep.

Hope we have a 4th baby will kind of ruin the whole similarity thing if her 4th doesn't hatch LOL.

Now the real fun begins, these tiny babies are supposed to be able to leave the nest in just 10-13 days, they must grow and change really fast.

I love how they all settled down with each other...they look so snuggled up and sweet.
And just so this post is not all baby birds...I had to include these. Jericho and I were wrestling and his Batman found his way here all on its own LOL.

Pretty funny.


  1. The picture after this sentence is perfect:"I love how they all settled down with each other...they look so snuggled up and sweet." the one just before Batboobs :*)
    GREAT shot, Katrina!

  2. Thanks Wendy! That is so nice to hear. I changed up the settings a little bit on that one, nice to see that is made a difference. Too bad this whole Nest watch thing doesn't have a happier ending. Now I am not even sure I want any prints from this whole experience :( Today's post is not going to be a happy one...and I am so sad.
