
Sunday, May 4, 2014

Nature is just not nice sometimes.

Nest Watch...Day 14. Today didn't go so well. Sometimes "nature taking its course" is just not nice, actually far too often it can be downright awful. When I found this nest I was not sure it would have a happy ending, mostly I was worried about the kids or the dog causing problems. Once we got the barricade up and it was working so well I breathed a sigh of relief. It seems I was premature...and wasn't worried about the right dangers. 
This morning before I could go out to do my morning check and photos Jason happened to look out and said there was a blue bird out by the nest. By the time I ran out there to chase the bird away he had already killed one of the babies. I was crushed. The kids were crushed too. The 4th egg had hatched, I could see two slightly bigger babies and 1 smaller baby still in the nest, the body of the 4th baby was laying near by where the blue bird dropped it when I chased it off. The mom and dad bird were near by, but as I stood out there the blue jay came by again...I chased him off and racked my brain on how we could possibly deter this bird from killing the rest of the babies. I barricaded it up some more and went inside to watch. The damn bird came back 3 more times...I chased him off every time, then got on the phone to the lady that took the baby squirrel we saved 3 weeks ago, to see if she had any bird rescue contacts. As she made some calls on her end I called the Audubon Society, they could not help, I got told "it is illegal to remove babies from a nest unless the parents have abandoned it", and I got the ever helpful "you have to let nature take its course" bit of wisdom. I'm sure if these little Junco's were a rare "important" bird I wouldn't have heard anything but "we'll be right there to get them" but they are not so I was even told to not chase the jay off if it keeps coming back. Yeah, right. I understand that this jay probably had babies to feed too, but not these my yard, they are my responsibility and I was not going to let the jay get them. The squirrel lady called back with the number of a lady that does bird rescue. After talking to her it was clear that this jay would not stop until it got them all, and I couldn't stand guard chasing it away for the next 2 weeks. So the bird lady and I decided the only way to save them was to bring them to her. I had Jason stand guard while I warmed a water bag, got a box with towels ready and started warming up the car. I was sad for the mom and dad bird, but figured even though the parents were still near by they would not take on the jay, they would fly away and their babies would die one by one...and if it were me I would rather my babies be alive, even if that meant they weren't with me. Once I had everything ready for them I went out to collect the babies...and I am glad it didn't take me any longer than it did. I thought the mom and dad were still there but it seems they were in distress and not caring for the babies at all...and at this day old stage they need constant warmth and to be fed about every 30-45 minutes. The babies were super cold, wet and very still. I thought they were gonners, I wasn't even sure they would make it the 10 min drive to meet up with the rescue lady...but I had to try.
I got the babies on the wrapped up heating bag and took a moment to let the kids see them and say goodbye...this is so not how I wanted our baby bird story to end. I am so sad...and the kids were in tears over the baby that died.

Not at all the healthy and vibrant little things that they were yesterday are they? They just laid there, not moving, not begging for food with their mouths open wide...just clinging to life by a thread :(

So tiny...I really wish things didn't happen this way. Hayden told me "You can't let them down Mom" and Xan was still crying about the dead baby being a "spirit now"...after this I hope we never find another nest ever again.

The warmth helped them quite a bit, about 8 minutes into our 10 minute drive I started hearing tiny tiny little peeps coming from their box. When I got to Eartha's house she kept them on the warm water bag and placed a desk lamp over them. Then we went to work preparing them their first meal. I now know that for wild babies Iam's kitten kibble ground up in a Magic Bullet and then made into a runny mush with warm water is a suitable food. About 10 minutes after getting them to her they were warm enough to muster up some energy to start gaping for food again...this was such a wonderful sight.

Their little fuzz was starting to dry and they were looking a bit better...certainly not out of the woods but it was a couple of good signs.

After seeing Eartha do this it brought back some memories. When I was a kid, 12-13 ish, my mom used to have Cockatiels. We had a pair that had 2 babies hatch, the day after the momma bird died and my mom and I hand raised the babies. I think the panic of the jay killing the baby and that it had been sooo long since I handfed a baby bird kept me from realizing I could take care of these babies. I left them with her...but if she has success getting them through today and tonight she may bring them back to me to finish raising them. She works, so feeding three babies every 40 min or so is not going to be as easy for her as it would be for me. So we may be seeing these babies again after all...if they make it through the night and she is able to get them stable. We are all still so sad about the baby that didn't make it, caring for these three ourselves might be a help.

I just hate that we are missing that 4th baby, it may be kind of silly, but this just put a huge damper on the whole thing. I wanted to print up some of my photos, and maybe make a little photo book of the experience...but now it just seems tainted, like I will always think of the 4th baby that didn't make it. Damn blue're an asshole, just so you know...I am not happy with you at all.

I really hope these 3 can pull through...they sure seemed to perk up after getting warm and eating a couple small meals.

So tiny and fragile.

Good luck tonight babies...stay strong.

I hope I get a good report in the morning...losing 1 is bad enough, I just can't stand the thought of losing them all.

I got to meet a few of her other rescues...this is Good Sam, he was found by a near by hospital in pretty bad shape...he looks fabulous now doesn't he!

She also does opossum rescue...this old girl Eartha rescued as a baby and she is now 5...they usually only live 2-3 years.

OK kids...hope to see you three soon, if the words of my very sensitive son "we did our best" XOXOX.
Thank goodness we had fun plans tonight...or I would have been is a pitiful mood all night. Auntie Tia, Uncle Rick, Cousins Tyler, Brandon and Hailee all came over for dinner and a special surprise.
The kiddos were so happy to see everyone!

Auntie Tia bought the girls the new Pirate Tinkerbell movie...the screams, oh my ears Hahaha.

A little pizza dinner...that is always fun!

Alright, movie time!

Jericho preferred to run around the house like an animal.

The girls loved the movie, Xander loved playing games with Tyler and Jericho loved being a wild man.

Then I pulled out some puppy chow...and everyone loved me :)

Three tech guys...poor Tyler, he is a fave around here...and seating is limited it seems LOL.

Tonight's dessert...Crock pot hot fudge sundae cake. It was pretty tasty, and very easy...two of my favorite things :)

I made this in my large 6qt crock pot so I doubled this...singled you can use a 2-3qt crock pot.

You need:
1C all purpose flour
1/2C sugar
6Tbsp baking cocoa powder (divided)
2tsp baking powder
1/2C milk (I used coconut milk)
2TBsp oil (I used coconut oil)
1tsp vanilla extract
1/2C chopped pecans (opt.)
1/2C chocolate chips (opt)
3/4C brown sugar, packed
1 1/2C hot water

Spray crock pot with cooking spray.

In a bowl sift together flour, white sugar, 2 TBsp of the cocoa powder and baking powder.

Stir in milk, oil and vanilla. Stir well until combined. If using nuts and chocolate chips fold those in. 

Spread batter evenly into crock pot.

In a separate bowl, combine brown sugar with the remaining cocoa powder. Stir in hot water until smooth.

Pour evenly over batter in the crock pot...DO NOT STIR.

Cover cook on high 2-2 1/2 hours (mine took 2 1/2) Test with tooth pick, when done let stand uncovered for 30 minutes.
Slice up your cake, spoon the fudge sauce underneath it on top the slices. Serve with some ice cream.

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