
Monday, May 5, 2014

A little birdy-sitting.*

After yesterday's sadness Lily Bug was in fine 'Cheer everyone up' form. Here is an adorable rendition of Olaf's 'In Summer' song. It is not long, but it is hilarious! My future drama star!
After she was done with her performance, Bug set her friends up like this. I asked her if her bunnies were having a seance LOL.

Xander came home from his OT and speech class with this for me :) Awww! He also came home with his walking papers from OT! The OT and speech teachers did their end of year review with Jason, the OT teacher is still going to help him a bit IN class, once kindy starts up, but she doesn't want to pull him out of class anymore. He did still qualify big time for speech...he scored at a 75% and you need to be at 90-100% to get released, so he will still have his 30 minutes of speech help once a week going on. She thinks he will probably remain with her until 2nd grade...poor guy is still so hard to understand and he still is not pronouncing certain letters correctly. He'll get there, and he loves spending time with her and the boy in his speech class win-win for him.

We of course watched the new TinkerBell movie again today LOL...I'm sure we will watch it again tomorrow too, but hey at least Frozen is getting a break LOL.

The baby birds survived day and night 1. The rescue lady is having a little bit of a hard time with them, keeping their temperature correct has been problematic, and she works so feeding them every half hour is a little hard for her too. After talking a little we decided it would be best for them to take a little trip down to Salem to another rescue lady...who has more time and an incubator. Eartha did have a few things she needed to do before taking the hour + drive to I got to birdy-sit the babies for about 2 1/2 hours today. Boy are baby birds a lot of that 2 1/2 hours I fed them 5 times, cleaned up baby poop 2 times for each of them and had to get them on and off the wrapped up heating bag about 3 times. I was tired and ready for Earthy to come take them LOL...and I thought newborn triplet humans were rough Hahaha. It was nice to see them and care for them for a little while, but nerve racking too, I don't think I could take it if they died on my watch, and they are so dang tiny and fragile.

It is incredible how fast these little suckers grow and change. Just since yesterday, their skin is already less transparent, there are dark feather spots along their wings where feathers will sprout from soon, and their eyes were starting to open just a tiny bit...amazing little creatures!
The kids were very excited to see the babies again, they thought it was so neat that I was feeding them. They were a little jealous that I got to hold them...they really wanted to, but these guys are just so fragile I didn't think it was a good idea to pass them around.

Jason took some pictures of the first meal time...pretty neat to see such tiny things eat, and pretty hard to pull it off too. They are so wobbly, no neck and head control and feel so breakable, you have to get them into the correct position and hold them there firmly...but not too firmly. Then once they open up the tiny syringe needs to go almost down their throat and you plunge down the food. It was quite the process to get food into these babies. They are so small it is really hard to get a good hold on them, and get them into a good position.

It was almost comical, they wouldn't open when I was in position to feed them, then they would move, be nowhere near the syringe and then open, but by the time I could get the syringe to them they would bobble their heads back down and we would have to start all over again. Momma bird and Daddy bird would be doing such a better job, I am still so sad things had to go this way.

Open wide baby bird.


No, I am not trying to cradle hold the bird...this is how it looks when you are trying to get something the size of your thumb into position with one hand.

Feeding baby birds is very messy LOL.

Good one little buddy!

The kids were pretty interested, and impressed, with how I was feeding the birds. I love that they got to be a part of this. I am a pretty compassionate person...and that is one thing I would love to rub off on the kids. I adore that quote..."You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you" Mr. Bunyan was so right, and it feels good too.

Now that you have probably seen more photos of a tiny baby bird eating than you want to...I will move on. I heard they made it to Salem fine...hopefully I will get more updates as they progress.

I got my first print on metal. It is another one from the great photo shoot with Velour Photography...but it was also one that accidently got resized. So this print did not come out great'll do,  thankfully it is only up close that you can see how blurry and grainy it is, but it is not the best image quality :(
I got my collection of montages on DVD...the end of the month, and the end of my montages being available to view online is getting least I was able to get them all ordered.

The kids love watching these...Jericho was so excited to see himself, and everyone else...he kept calling out who was who in all the photos LOL.

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