
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

More missing teeth.

Looks like Haddie will be getting her expander to fix her cross bite sooner than next summer. The Dentist had wanted to give it another 9-12 months, for her roots to get in all the way and really strong...but he told me it would be when she is 7 or when her front teeth fell out. Well she now has both front teeth out. We are going to wait about 2 more weeks then will probably get the ball rolling on it. I hope the expander works, if we can escape braces I am all for it, and other than this cross bite, her teeth seem straight and in great condition!

She wrote a note to the Tooth Fairy, with my help...she said "Mom you are going to write exactly what I say, right?" She asked for 3 dollars, 2 for her front two teeth, and one for Lily's last tooth that Jericho misplaced LOL. She also asked the she be allowed to keep her tooth, seems my little pack rat is extending her list of essentials to include teeth...ewww LOL.

Last I heard, our 3 baby birds are growing and doing well. Today our neighbor dropped off this, guess she felt we needed a new "egg" to watch LOL.

If this thing hatches there will be 100-200 Praying Mantis mini's all over the place. They will be going on a couple near by apple trees.

The girls want to do the butterflies again, but this will be cool if these little suckers long as they can't get out of the bag before we release them. I think they are pretty awesome insects, but I would not appreciate 200 babies loose in my house.
A new quote this one too, can't wait to get my new prints up with it.

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