
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Xander is one happy boy.

Xander got to go to his very first sleep over this afternoon, he was so excited. I was so happy for him, it was finally his turn. His sisters have had 2 sleep overs, he was starting to feel very left out...thank you Grandma!

Group hugs goodbye. The girls were not much better than Xander was when they left, only they were more upset about not getting to go than actually missing him, but they still pitched a little fit. They are looking forward to their turn Grandma :)

My big boy was ready to go...he didn't have even a second of cold feet.

More goodbye's.

He was so excited to go...but everyone kept wanting to say bye to their big brother LOL.

Gangster disappeared into the girls room for a while today...he came out baby wearing some puppies LMAO!

Such a good sport.
Grandma was nice enough to send me a few pics throughout the day. Xan was having a blast, they went to the park, then cousin Brock's baseball game and then out to eat...he is never going to want to come home LOL.

They ran into cousin Boston at the game. Grandma said they had a fabulous time and gave Xander a glowing report. What do you know, he can be an angel too...when he gets a little 1 on 1 time, I had no doubts :)
The neighbor ladies got together for Wine Wednesday. It was supposed to be only an hour...but when you get 6 lushes together, 4+ bottles of wine and lots of laughter...well it ends up being a 6 hour drunk fest of fun LOL. A couple ladies had to be helped home, I was not one of them...thank goodness, that is not to say I wasn't drunk as a skunk LOL. Glad I don't do this very often anymore.
I'm a red girl.

The kiddos hung out for the first hour or so...then they headed off to the house for bed. Little man was getting tired, this is rare.
One of the guests lives behind the host, they need to install a would be helpful with the fence jumping.

What a great group...but next time I will try not to drink as much LOL!

This one was good...and I could totally taste the Cupcake factor. Cheers friends!

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