
Sunday, June 15, 2014

The best Dad out there.

Happy Father's Day to the most loving, hardest working, totally involved and hands on dad I know! I did not get to help the kids make today extra special, Jason was working all day and night yesterday and then all day again today. I don't think we need to celebrate and appreciate him just one day's an every single day thing for us. I could not pick a better father for my children. Our kids have the dad I wished I had growing up. I didn't grow up with a dad, and I totally remember being more than a little jealous of some of my friends dad's. It makes me so happy that my kids will never ever feel a void when it comes to the most important male role model in their lives. He is a keeper for sure!

After not seeing him in over 24 hours, the ankle biters were awfully excited to see him when he got home from work today!
We did buy him a massage...after all this horsing around, I think he is going to need it LOL!

You are so loved, very much appreciated...and immensely needed. Thank you for all you do!

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