
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Haircuts and date night!

We made the kids appointments to get their hair did a week ago. They love this place so much, I don't know how we are going to get them away from Little Clippers, a $100 dollar day for 4 kiddos cuts + tip, and off to Great Clips or something instead. Darn this place of fun, video games and cool car chairs LOL.

Everyone was in need...especially Miss Hayden. She still has the most sensitive scalp known to man, thus brushing her hair is a LOT of fun. Time to trim that fun down to a more manageable length.

Xander thought he would get a jump start on the hair cutting process and took scissors to his hair. The trio are almost 6, we had almost made it 6 years without someone cutting their own...or a siblings hair. Sadly he chopped so much off there was no saving it, so his hair cut was really quick. Buzz Buzz LOL.

Maybe next time you will leave your hair alone and we can get you that longer style you picked out dude.

Jericho didn't get much cut off...we kept him in the surfer shag style.

Chop time! Xander got a buzz, Haddie got above shoulder length and Lily got a hefty trim. We were thinking about cutting off enough to donate but the stylist loved her hair so much she said it would break her heart to cut it LOL.

Xander was so fast Jericho got his turn in the same car, with the same stylist.

So matter what his hair looks like :)

Lily got a pretty braid.
Adorable Bug!

Xan, Bug and Jericho got lots of playing time while Hayden was STILL in the chair...that child has so much hair. Xander started giving all the kids short rides around the place.

Haddie loves her new shorter hair, and the braids...I have been told I need to give her these two braids every day.
The hubby and I got out for dinner and a movie tonight. Not sure how long it has been since we've been out just the two of us. Like it is scary how long it has been...I seriously can not remember. We went to a great place called Urban Fondue...we have been there 3 or 4 times before and it is always a hit. This time didn't go quite as smooth but was still a good time. We got there at 7:05 for our 7:15 reservation, checked in and went next door to their sister business, Bartini, and got a round of drinks while we waited. 30 minutes later the manager came over to apologize for the wait and bought us another round of drinks. After another 30 minutes went by he brought us to our table and told us our entire meal was on him for being so patient and pleasant. Pretty great service! I'm sure another couple would have put up a big stink over the hour delay, but lets face it sitting with your spouse in a martini bar for an extra hour on your night away from 4 kids...oh yeah, I am SO upset LOL. Then we got a free 3 course dinner and drinks to boot. Date night success right there!
Allow me to introduce my new fave drink...the Bird Of Paradise.
Malibu rum, mango puree, pineapple juice and a dash of cinnamon on top. I had 3 of these...and every single was was amazing! They reminded me a lot of another fave drink, Surfer On fact I will be adding a dash of cinnamon to my surfers from now on, it was a nice touch.

The waitress told me the little orchid's are edible and to dip in it when I am about done with the drink and eat it.

I decided to try we go.
The petals were really good actually, the center and nub of stem was bitter though.

Mmmm cheese! We have decided the appetizer cheese course, served with bread and veggies to dip in the melted cheese, and the dessert are our favorite courses. I could totally do without the main meal (the meats you cook in a steaming pot of broth) course. Oh the dessert, fruit, cookie dough, cheesecake, donuts, pound cake...all dipped in melted chocolate with a touch of peanut good!!!

After an overly filling dinner, seriously I was so stuffed I had to leave some of my dessert untouched...sacriledge, we heading to the movie theater and saw 'Edge of Tomorrow' was pretty good, right up until the ending, I am still not sure if I liked that part or not. Good ol Cruise, dude is a really good actor, too bad he is looney tunes in his real life LOL.

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