
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Time to punch up the craft room.

When we moved into this house about a year ago the plan was to have this awesome craft/guest/office/laundry room LOL...and so far it has just kinda been blah. My sis is bringing out my soon to be born new baby niece to meet her Oregon family in a couple months and they are going to stay in our guest room. Woohoo the kick in the butt I needed to get a move on and do something to this room. We bought a nice wood queen size futon couch/ no attention to that ugly floral cover, that thing will be gone soon. Man I love great deals on Craigslist when I get a wild hair, the futon was only $80! Now to decide if I will paint or stain the wood...I really don't like most wood finishes, especially light like this.

Before pic. Time to finally give up on that treadmill, best intentions...just no follow through LOL. I think eventually I want to get a new, smaller desk too...but for now this one works.

This bookshelf has been my craft supply storage for a year...but not what I wanted long term. I am not sure what to do with it now, sell it, find some need for it. If I keep it I have to paint it...again, I am NOT a wood person. It is solid wood and heavy, so I need to make up my mind...Jason is tired of moving it LOL.

Our good old IKEA table, we have had this thing for going on 5 years and it is still in excellent shape...that is hard to do in this house let me tell you. I am tired of the chome we tried our hand at spray painting it.
It took the paint perfectly, now it is a pretty aqua color!

Another Craigslist win this beauty, in amazing shape, for $150! This is what I wanted all along for the craft much storage!

Thankful for my muscle, Tyler and Jason make moving heavy stuff look way too easy.

The lady who sold me the wall unit was closing her preschool and moving back east, they had a garage sale but a lot of stuff was still there...she told me to go through and take whatever I wanted. I got a ton of craft stuff, an awesome rug and this cute little bookshelf. It needed a new paint job, Jason didn't want to spring for chalk paint (I told him that choice would probably end up biting him in the ass) so he bought this paint that was supposed to work. The kids all took turns painting, I picked yellow...thought another bright color would go nice with the light aqua we spray painted the table and the darker aqua on the wall unit.
Everyone had fun helping on the first took FIVE before it started looking good, ugh. I am glad it was a nice sunny day so the paint was drying fairly quick.

Wow...that is bright yellow alright :)

Almost done.

So excited to complete the little room make over in a couple days, stay tuned!

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