
Sunday, June 22, 2014

There be pirates!

My talented brother in law, Trent, did such a fantastic job on the shirts he made for the kiddos last year, I just had to ask him to help make the kids something to wear to their pirate birthday party next month. I hunted around online and found some design's I liked, sent him the shirts, he doesn't disappoint. Thanks Trent...I will try to give you next year off :)

I asked my sis to send me progress pics again, I think it is so cool to see the magic happen. I wish I could do this, how neat!
First up...Xander's shirt.
So cool to see each step.
Turned out amazing, right? So awesome!
Hayden and Lily got the same design, they rarely do the matchy thing, so once in a while I don't mind. Auntie Allie got "their colors" mixed up on accident, Hayden normally wears the pink in our house while Lily wears purple...but the girls love the shirts anyway :)

Cute right?! I am getting so excited for the party!!!
Lily Bug's shirt. Can you believe these took Trent about 20 minutes each to do, that's what I call speedy service :)
Couldn't leave our littlest pirate out...Jericho got a shirt all his own to wear to his big brother and big sisters party! I love it, it is different and so cute!

Kid funny of the day....
As we were brushing teeth tonight I got one last child caused laugh of the day. Lily told me she is going to have a 6 bedroom house when she gets older...glad she is over the whole high rise thing. Then she said "Mom, can I boss my kids however I want?" LMAO

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