
Sunday, July 13, 2014

Another day, another party!

Our friends had their little boys birthday party at Oaks Park today, it was a lot of fun...but I must say how glad I am that we had the triplets party yesterday. Today the weather decided to change it up a bit from the 80's-90's that it has been for a while now. It showered and thundered most of the day...we even saw a bunch of lightening that caused the park to close their taller rides.
Levi had a yummy ice cream dirt cake...the kiddos loved it.

The birthday squirrel made the rounds.

High five.

Xander and Kenzie struck up a little love connection today. They held hands the whole day, there were lots of hugs and even a ring handed over, oh boy. Xander was worried about his hair when it was raining (I can't believe I just typed that) Miss Kenzie took off her sweater and gave it to Xander to protect his hair. Something is wrong with this picture LOL.

I can not believe how much the trio have grown, riding rides all by themselves...WHAT?! The first time we were here, and also the last time, was almost 4 years ago...they were still such babies. Now look at them...little thrill seekers :)

Haddie kept holding her hands up on pretty much every ride she was on LOL.

Little man was too short for a few of the rides, and Hayden was too tall for one too, neither went over well with the involved parties.
Jericho got to play a couple games with Jason while the trio were riding rides he couldn't go on.

They each picked out a steed.

I wasn't at the best angle...but I caught the ring exchange. After Xan gave his skull ring (from the pirate party goodie bags) Kenzie put it on and then showed it off to her mom. It was the cutest thing ever.

Then they jumped on a motorcycle and rode off into the sunset :)

Hugs before they got on the Octopus LOL.

Lisa flat out denied that Kenzie learned this move from her LOL. At least she is still wearing the ring :) It was so fun getting to spend a few hours with our good friends...and was really nice having the extra eyes and hands when Jericho tried to disappear on us.

Another one that Jericho couldn't ride.

He was happy to wave at them from the sidelines though.

The trio loved the ride...Kenzie not so much. This was a big fave of mine when I was young.

I did not love seeing a big lightening strike right by the tree there, they actually shut down the ride right to the left of the Octopus as I was taking these pictures, due to lightening.

Haddie is ready to rock this little coaster.

The boys loved it too.

I can't believe they are all looking and smiling at the same time!

Such a fun day, Happy Birthday Levi...thanks for inviting us. Sorry that Jericho spilled the beans on what your gift was, he loves those masher toys and was so excited to share the bug with you :)

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