
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Xander's turn to ride.

Xander has been waiting and waiting for his turn to ride, since Hayden and Lily went on their rides. Today was the day! He was extra happy since today his Dad would be riding with him.

Xander picked Bella to ride, and Jason got to ride Dixie.
A little pre-ride grooming.

Excited and ready to go!

Everyone came today, they watched (the girls were not too happy about it) and Jericho kept out of trouble...for the most part.

Jason looks excited doesn't he? He is not the horse nut I am, but I wasn't feeling too well today so I asked him to take my place.

Jericho has to wait until he is 4 to start riding here. He sure seemed interested, I just wish this place wasn't so far away.

Kat is a very patient person, lucky for Xander LOL. He would not pay attention, didn't seem to grasp her instructions and would not stop talking about everything under the sun. I don't think serious lessons are in his future, at least not anytime soon.

While Kat was having a heck of a time with Xan, Jason was having a heck of a time with Dixie. She was a bit slow going when I rode her but she minded well...Jason couldn't make her listen to him until about the last 10 minutes of his ride LOL.

The other kiddos spent some time playing in a little waiting room they have.

They also spent a lot of time watching.

A little after ride grooming and treats from all the kids.

Nice job keeping your fingers Jericho.

A little meal time funny from yesterday.

 Xander: Is this a dead chicken?

 Jericho: Yeah, Albertsons killed it.


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