
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Gotta get our pool parties in while we can.

Another beautiful 90+ degree day...time to hit the pool again! We invited a few friends to join us, and stayed to have a pot luck dinner. I love days like this.

Miss Lily has been a moody thing lately, today was no different. She was so cranky in fact she felt she needed to "meditate and find some inner peace" LOL. I love cranky kids that can be brought around by being made to she was trying to meditate, and kept shhh-ing anyone that talked to her, I asked her is she was going to be eating dew and universe juice for dinner. She recognized the Kung Fu Panda quote right away and couldn't keep a straight face :)

One of their funny Bday gifts...the giant glasses are so hard to keep on, I had a tough time getting a good picture.
Super silly!

Auntie Amber and Hailee came with...Amber tried to give herself an asthma attack blowing up this big turtle float. We really need a better way to blow up pool toys LOL.

Hayden, and even Jericho, made more advancements in the pool today. Haddie got right in and right off the steps. Jericho got in and got himself on the lower steps right away.

Xander is still refusing to leave the sides and steps...I never would have thought he would be our holdout. He still freaks out when Jason or even I take him in deeper while holding his hands.

When we take him back to the side after forcing him to go with us deeper in the pool he scolds us with "You shouldn't do that, I'm sensitive" Hahaha...gotta love him.

The girls were having fun while they waited for Hailee's swimming lesson to be over.

Hahaha Jason had no idea what his impromptu float looked like.

We tried to get all the kids on the turtle float but Xander freaked out and wouldn't hold still.

The girls sat still for one picture at least.

I actually got in today, I don't like a cold pool...but the thermometer said the water was 79-82 (deep end vs shallow end) which is more to my liking. The first plunge doesn't feel 80...but after just a minute or two it was perfect.

Jericho loved that turtle...I did too, it kept his little butt stranded and he couldn't get out and get into trouble.

My friend and her kiddos joined us, my kids are always excited to play with Tristan, Jordan and Natalia!!! Jason's friend Timmy and his girlfriend Brooke also joined us.

Alexia tried on the giant glasses too :)

More pool time after dinner. Auntie Amber got Jericho off the steps and trusting his puddle jumper more!

Flying Jordan.

We were treated to a little concert of some Frozen tunes by the girls...even though it took 20 huddles and 15 "Give us a moment"'s as they ran off to practice the words, it was totally cute.

Finished them off with some competitive calisthenics...they were all pretty good sports LOL. Jordan looks like his is about to werewolf out, funky arms dude.

Hugs bye for Gangster.

I'm already dreading the end of summer...what a fun day!


  1. It looks like a fun swimming party. I like Jericho's big blowup turtle. That's cool Auntie Amber blew it up for him, even though it looks really big so it must have needed a lot of air. I am glad Jericho had fun floating with it.

  2. I'm glad Auntie Amber blew up the turtle for Jericho and that he enjoyed floating on it. That's really cool.
