
Saturday, July 26, 2014

Craigslist fail.

It hasn't happened often to me, thankfully, but today we got slightly singed by someone who posted something on Craigslist. I don't know why anyone would want to waste their time...or other peoples time by misrepresenting something, but I guess some people don't grasp that if you are not honest you are not going to sell your item in a timely manner.
Jason was lucky enough to receive a used car from his Uncle of charge, over 4 years ago. It has been his to and from work beater ever since. That car has run so well, and filled a need all this time. The last year has been rough on the old gal though. Jason used to work 20 or so minutes from home, now it is an hour drive to the car has taken a bit of a beating. We decided to start looking for another used, but maybe less so His current beater is a 1997 with almost 260,000 miles on it....gotta love a Nissan. We want to get something that will be able to be used by the family a little more and not be just a work beater. It would be nice if say only 1 or 2 kids, or just Jason and I need to go somewhere to have the option of leaving our lovely, but gas sucking and space hogging, large SUV at home more. We also wanted something that could do a little double duty and would be able to haul small loads. We ended up deciding that we liked the Nissan Frontier's...4 doors, seats 5, plus has a short bed in the back. Perfect. Then we found out what a hot commodity they are right now, figures LOL.
So we have been looking around for a week or so, and found one that looked good in photos, and sounded good in their ad, on Craigslist. It was a 2 hour drive each way, on a day that Jason had to go to work swing shift, to go potentially buy it. We got there and saw that the photos the owners were using were obviously very old, the truck was totally misrepresented and frankly was not worth even close to what they were asking...and was a little too beat up to be what we are looking for. So we got to put up with the whining, hungry every hour, need to potty every other hour and bored the whole trip kiddos for nothing. Yay.

We hung out in Eugene for an hour and a half or so to eat some lunch and let the kids play before heading home and Jason heading on to work.
It was not the day we planned on...but in the end it was a day with my favorite 5 people, how can I complain.

The short break at the park was totally needed.

Round and round and round.

Bug looking pretty cute :)

The park had a fun little sand feature, that we tried to keep the kids out of...but we eventually gave in, I think we felt bad that we would soon have to load them up for a 2 hour drive back home.

It had a neat little water pump too, which of course got things a little extra messy...but it also helped to clean them up too.

Lily getting her foot washed off. It was fun to see them work together, with someone pumping for the others, then switching so everyone got a turn.

Hopefully we get a new car soon, without another long wasted trip.

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