
Monday, July 28, 2014

Road trip, Pt 2...better ending this time!

We found another truck on Craigslist today, it was even further away than the last...but we took great care in asking lots of questions and making sure we were getting the straight story this time.
So at 6 this morning we got the kids out of bed, a couple of them were quite unhappy about it to, and got on the road for a 3 1/2 hour drive to Seattle, WA. We brought lots of snacks, movies, water and a picnic lunch. I still had to listen to a good amount of arguing, and make a couple stops at rest areas along the way, but we made it and the truck was in great shape. The kiddos and I spent a couple hours at a near by park while Jason test drove the truck and did all the paperwork crap.

The park was a lot of fun, and it was a beautiful day to be at a park.

There were some really neat twisty features, the kiddos had a good time and got in a lot of leg stretching, before we got in the car for another 3 1/2 hour drive back home.

Brave little man took on every bit of the parks fun.

Lily Bug, relaxing and enjoying a little hammock action in the shade.

Jericho climbed everything.

Xander and Haddie decide to try this spinning thing out together.

So funny!

This pic turned out kind of cool.

Miss Bug was extra photogenic today :)

Cutie pie!

Handsome booger...his surfer shag is almost ready for a little trim in the back again.

How is this little boy so darn cute?

The girls tried out the spinning thing too. They made some funny faces LOL.

Trying out the monkey bars and tight rope.

My little 3 1/2 year old went all the was across the monkey bars...all by himself and without standing on the rope, I was too surprised to take many pictures, what a rookie mistake LOL. This kid is something else, I was totally impressed.

We had a nice couple hours, ate lunch then headed back to meet up with Jason.

Our new wheels. He doesn't look happy or anything does he. The truck is an 02 and has 120K on it...not too shabby. It is in really nice condition and while it was a little more than we were hoping to spend I think it will be with us for a very very long time.

The kids were pissed that they didn't get to ride in it. We told them we have to get some new carseats for the truck first....I don't think that is going to fly for long LOL.

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