
Saturday, July 5, 2014

Pick a good one!

I'll be honest, I usually get a bit drunk tipsy on the 4th. This year I didn't at all, pretty glad I didn't too...we got a last minute 10am invite from our neighbors to go berry picking this morning.

It was a beautiful day, we only lasted a little over an hour got hot and I was in jeans. The kiddos had a great time, they have already been asking to go back.

The bigs did a great job of picking the blue berries and marionberries that were ripe, the raspberries were a little harder, the ones that have a big color difference worked much better.

Jericho was on a 'one for the bucket, two for the mouth' kick LOL.

I thought this one was funny...they are all holding their bucket in the same hand.

The 4th little amigo joined in :)

It was a lovely farm...I could totally live on a farm, come on Powerball.

Dad did some picking too. He has big plans for blueberry pancakes in the morning and marionberry cobbler tomorrow night.

A couple of my fave pics I got on my phone...of course.

They were busy little pickers.

We ended up with a total of 2 over flowing buckets to the tune of $10...not too shabby.

I helped a little, and I think I got bit by a spider for my troubles. I should just stick to taking the pictures LOL.

So fun...we will be back!

Next the kids got new bikes. They have needed them for a good year it was time. The trio each got 18"'s, Jericho got a 16" it is a smidge too big for him right now but he can ride it so it should be perfect next summer. I posted their beat up but still rideable old ones on Craigslist for free....they were gone by the end of the day to a family with 3 little kids!

Xander and Hayden are very good, Jason is itching to move up the training wheels, Lily and Jericho both do more walking of their bikes and getting on and off, than actual riding though. Xander has named his bike Toothless and pretends it's a dragon LOL. I love kids imaginations, so magical.

The girls stuffed animals are out of control, no one can even sleep on their bottom bunk because it is too full of stufties. So we got a couple of these hanger storage things, 2 for the boys room and 2 for the girls. The boys have almost nothing in their's while the girls are so full they are about to be too heavy to hang.

We finally got some window coverings up in the craft room, I got these from the same lady who sold us the big storage thing.

It gives the room a nice touch. Now we need a TV in here and maybe some pictures on the walls...yay, that means I get to order some more canvas prints :)

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