
Sunday, July 6, 2014

Mommy and Hayden date.

I needed a little Hayden and Mommy time today. I planned a little special fun for our 1 on 1 time. It was a secret until we walked in the barn, then I told Haddie we would be doing a little horseback riding. She was pretty excited, but a tiny bit nervous too I think.
I got to ride this pretty lady named Dixie, she is a Clydesdale.

Haddie got to ride Bella, she is a Thoroughbred.

I loved the barn, the trainer, the horses, all the hands on before and after only complaint is that it is an hour drive each way to get here, boo. Kat, the trainer runs a great program though....the horses are rescues or fosters. The lessons are very good for any age, she even works with disabled kids. It is wonderful, check out Horse sense riding school.
Hayden had only riding on the pony rides at the Fairs, she had never been on a horse before, or groomed one. She loved it...just look at that face :)

Helmets on for safety!

Hayden got to be in total control of her horse as they walked around the arena, the only time Kat held onto the horse was during trotting. Watching Haddie try to get that big horse to do as Kat instructed was pretty cool.

Go Hayden!!

Hayden did an amazing job.

She enjoyed her ride a lot I think :)

Bella felt hauling my 55, or so, lb child around for a half hour was exhausting. She did nothing but yawn and act all tired when they were done.

More grooming after your ride.

I think I have shared my love of horses, she is already talking about having her own horse one day.

Treat time...yummy carrots.

Bye bye Bella. Lily gets to go tomorrow, hopefully Hayden can keep the secret.

Jason is so not impressed when I get a great idea. I saw this when I stopped at Rite Aid to pick up a script, I thought it would be fun for the party. It took forever for us to get it done, didn't even start on the second one LOL.

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