
Monday, July 7, 2014

Special time with Bug.

Lily got a turn to go on a special Mommy and Bug date today. Unfortunately Hayden is not able to keep a secret from her sister, so she knew that we were going to go riding today. Hayden even told her to pick the same horse to ride LOL. Lily was pretty excited, but she has been in another moody phase recently so I had no idea how she would do.

It was hot today...whew.

Meeting Bella.

A little silent conversation going on there I think.

A little before ride grooming.

Mane brushing.

Bug even got to help clean the hooves.

Lily did a nice job, she is not our most assertive child most of the time, so watching her try to be boss of that big horse was funny, and probably really good for Lily.

The horse I rode today, a paint named Bear, is Bella's best Bella kept wanting to bring Lily to us. Bug was a little timid at first about being the boss, but by the end she had already improved quite a bit. The trainer only held onto the horse while they trotted, other wise Lily was on her own...until she needed the trainer to help make Bella mind LOL.

No Bella, not over there.

Bella not really listening.

Lily trying hard to direct her horse to the right....nice job little Bug, you show that big horse who is boss :)

A little help down.

More grooming.

This is the laziest horse ever, not only was she actually almost falling asleep while we were grooming her before the ride...literally her legs kept trying to buckle and she would wake back up and catch herself just before she hit the ground, never seen that before it was crazy. But of course when she was done giving my 48 lb child a 30 minute ride she was nothing but yawns. Silly horse.

She got a tight muscle sometime during the ride, the trainer was massaging it out...I think Bella loved that.

Snack time.

Handsome boy, Bear. He is a retired barrel racer...he had a lot of go :)

Ready to head back to the pasture. Wish I could win Powerball already, horses would be on the list for sure :)

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