
Saturday, August 23, 2014

Family fun day.*

The kiddos were up bright and early again today, ready to eat breakfast and hit the zoo!

The trio got to hold baby Lydia, they just love is so cute.

They adore their tiny cousin.

The zoo was beautiful, and a lot of the animals were up and about.

The bears were keeping busy today.

The Bald Eagles were right by the unfenced observation deck for once too.

Auntie Amber's mom joined us today. Xander talked Grandama Jo's ear off almost the entire zoo visit LOL.

Uncle Scott was a big help keeping the 6 munchkins inline.

The cousins all lined up to see who is taller.

Uncle Rick and Auntie Tia joined us today too. So great to get almost everyone together.

Some cooling off.

The bitty loved the zoo.

Checking for Mongoose.

I think this may be only the second time I have seen one out and about.

Back in the mist.

Photo booth fun with Auntie Tia.

Waiting to catch the MAX back to our cars, this was much better than trying to find a parking spot on a day like this. It was a mad house.

None of us had ever taken the MAX here before, it was pretty cool.

Here it comes.

Next it was time to get in our suits and hit the pool.

It was a little too cold for most of us to get in, but a few crazies enjoyed it.

Jason got nominated for the ALS ice bucket challenge, thanks Danielle. The back flip was my idea...good thing he can nail them like a trained seal :)

The giant turtle made another appearance.
Auntie Amber got a quick swimming lesson in for Jericho.

Little Miss hung out with Gangster.

As if I need more proof that a well bred, lovingly raised and thoroughly socialized Pit Bull can be a wonderful family member...and official baby licker.
I am happy that my family trusts him like we do...not many moms would allow a big dog, much less a pittie, to slobber love on their newborn.

We called him over for the seated photo of him and Lydia, the licking and then lying down beside her was ALL him. We love this dog so much, he has been probably the best dog we have ever owned. Sadly he has been slowing down this last year, especially over the last couple of months, when he started getting a little thin, and limpy. We found a marble sized lump on his side a few days ago, I am scared to death that it is cancer, G's sire and uncle both died of cancer at 10...G will be 10 in December. My kids are going to be devastated, we all will be.

Jericho had to show his Uncles how he can do the monkey bars.

Little 3 1/2 year old stud muffin. This kid is a beast.

Always fun to pick raspberries at Grandma's.

Mmmm BBQ ribbies!

Getting a little drink on with my bros.

Brothers and Sisters...missing a couple.

I'm sad already, they leave tomorrow evening. I hate short visits...but they are way better than none at all.

Soaked as much of today up as we could.

Tired kiddos tonight LOL.

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