
Friday, August 22, 2014

Cousins rock!

Baby snuggles first thing in the morning, always the best...well, when you have been able to sleep all night.

I love when we are able to get the cousins together...I wish we could do it more often. We are missing a handful of older cousins, but these are all the ones that are 6 and under.

Just as I expected, my kids adored the baby...and were only too happy to help whenever they were asked to, even sometimes when they weren't asked LOL.

My sis finally picked the perfect weekend, weather wise, to visit. The forecast is calling for 80's and sun all weekend! We decided to hit up Oaks Park again.

I actually got a ride bracelet this time and went on some of the stuff with the kiddos.

Lots of carousel rides today.

A couple of handsome guys :)


Someone was a fan.
Half kidding Jason told me to go take a ride on the stork...I think someone liked having a little baby around again LOL.

Baby puddies.

Waiting for the choo choo.

Quick lunch, we take up a lot of space.

This ride was awesome...I kept hearing "we're not going to make it" out of the kids, between screams and laughs.

A little slower pace.

My sis Love Love Love her.

Rowan and Trent won this one.

I would say her first trip to Oaks Park was a success!

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