
Thursday, August 21, 2014

Getting a little baby fix.

Today was the kids last day of "summer school" they were already sad about not seeing their new friends until Kindergarten starts, especially Lucy and Ruby, twin sisters who my kids seem to really like.

They got to bring home their journals, all three were really good, I especially noted...and loved, that all the people in all the drawings are smiling....every single one! Hayden and Lily did really nice art work, but 3 of Xander's stood out just a touch more. His take on drawing is a little different from his sisters, he is still the minimalist artist LOL.
When he told me about these pictures I had to share them. So one day his picture he added to his journal was Lexi and her friend swimming at Grandma's pool with Xan.
Another picture was Xander's Auntie Stacie, her boyfriend David, the trio and a giant spider that Stacie had told him she saw at her house.

This one Xander drew all of us, plus Grandma, going to Disney.
I want to get back to reading chapter books to the kids every night. I was having a real problem with missing more nights than I should, I am hoping reading something I am interested in too will help with that. I put the call out on Facebook to see if any of my nearby friends had the first Harry Potter book that I could borrow...our awesome neighbor brought one right over!

My sis got into town late tonight, so we finally got to use our laundry/craft/guest room as a guest room. It works.

Too bad when Jason tried out the futon he said it sucked big time. Hope they don't find it too awful.
I made my first ice cream cake...not involving any ice cream sandwiches LOL. I give you the S'mores ice cream cake!

Can not wait to taste this! It was actually super easy, I made this one myself...I'm not just taking the credit for Jason's work in the kitchen :) It does require an over the night freeze so keep that in mind.

You need:
For the crust....
2 1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs
3 TBsp brown sugar
1/2 cup of butter, melted.

Preheat to 350.
Mix together and press into a 9 X 13 dish.
Bake for 15 minutes. Let the crust cool, while the ice cream melts.

For the cake:
1 1/2 quarts of vanilla ice cream, partially melted.
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups of milk chocolate chips
1 cup of broken up graham crackers
2 cups mini marshmallows

Once the ice cream is melted and easily workable (not completely melted, just melted enough to stir stuff into it and spread it out on the crust) add it to a large mixing bowl. Mix in the chocolate, graham cracker and marshmallows...leave back a little of each for topping.
Once it is all mixed, pour it evenly over the crust. Freeze over night.
Even though I was totally munching on chocolate chips the whole time I was making that ice cream cake the sweetest part of my night flew in tonight from Vegas. Meet 7 week old Miss Lydia, my baby niece. They got in super late...and were ready to crash, but Auntie can't wait to get quality snuggling time in tomorrow sweetie pie.


  1. Cute! My little one is starting K this year too! It's soo nerve-wracking!

  2. Isn't it though. I am more scared of 1st grade and on...can't believe how quick they grow. Good luck with Kindy :)
