
Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Second day and the trio are still excited to go. They can not wait for "real" Kindy to start. Poor Jericho is wondering when he gets to go to pre-school.

The girls LOVE these dresses, another fave Bday gift.

Today was a relaxing kind of day. Jericho accompanied me to a little acupuncture appointment.
I have only done a few acupuncture appointments in my life, and those were back just before I got pregnant with the triplets. I remember leaving the office feeling so calm and peaceful. I'm sure now that I have 4 kids it won't work quite the same LOL, calm left a long time ago and peaceful took off when the trio started walking Hehehe, but I am hoping it can help me lengthen what seems like a shorter than required fuse these last few months. I am going to go once every other week for a while and see what happens. Fingers crossed ;)

These are calming points....woosaw Hahaha.

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