
Sunday, August 24, 2014

Good-byes suck.

We had a fun afternoon planned for my sister's last day here, but the end was always goes way too fast. I sure wish we could all live in the same city again, so the cousins could play together more often...they love each other so much, and so I could see my sister more than once or twice a year :( maybe one of these days...maybe.

It was a donut kind of morning...Mmmm!
This was kind of funny...reminded me of us doing our dolls hair side by side as kids. We had to get out of the house so Allie helped and put a braid in Lily's hair.

We decided to do a couple hours of bowling, my kids had never been. We all had a great time...even if some of us had more practice at it than others. Honestly, I was the worst...the 6 year olds were bowling better than me LOL.

The kiddos all had a blast, they had the bumpers up and this nifty thing to help them roll the ball where it needed to go.

Little man held the balls all by himself...he even bowled with heavier ones than we meant for him to have.

The trio got it pretty quickly, and did really well.

Seriously, they bowled more strikes than I did...sad LOL.

With authority Hahaha.

Xan man having fun!

Nice form Trent...Jason spanked the grown ups.

Haddie looking pro already, I swear this girl is just like her Dad...sending him out to play some sport or game and he is good at it. Slightly annoying to the rest of us Hehehe.

Line it up Bug.

Little cutie.

Hayden wanted to try once without the ramp. The ramp is still needed, but it was nice that she tried to push it. Little go getter that one.

I got more Lydia snuggles...I'm going to miss this little peanut.

We hit up the arcade for a little bit.

Xander and I blasted some cyborgs. I actually have always loved this game.

The girls played a long, long, game of air hockey...they loved it, they even made it fun to watch. In the end Haddie won, but it was close.

The adults had some fun too.

Trent had the winning case on Deal or No Deal! Score!

We grabbed some lunch, Trent MUST hit Burgerville at least once per trip :) , and headed to a fountain park.

Little turkey.

Apple slice smile LOL.

The trio were all about the water...especially Xander.

We did not know this was a water park when we decided to come here, good thing it was a beautiful day and we had a couple hours. Almost everyone was dry again when it came time to go.

Big cheese for this drowned rat :)

Getting in some last Rowan snuggles. I wish they didn't live so far away, I know Vegas isn't THAT far...but an hour would be too far for me :(

Jericho got his turn to hold baby Lydia...aren't they cute?!

It was a great day, and a fabulous trip. We miss you guys already. Love ya lots XOXOX

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