
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Rough day for Hayden.

The trio are loving this 'Are You Ready For Kindergarten' game, we have only gone through the first 2 levels of cards so far...but they did really well. They REALLY love the money and score keeping parts LOL.

Auntie Allie, thanks for the movie...we watch it about once a day LOL. I hear "Honey, where's my paaaannnnnts" and the 'Everything Is Awesome' song pretty much all day long :)

Miss Haddie was in for a bit of a rough day today. Her Dentist appointment to get the expander placed was today. No needles thank goodness, but it wasn't exactly a comfortable experience. Even so, she was very brave, only cried a little and never once yelled or balked at them. As a Momma I almost think the silent crying and watching her try to be brave and deal with the discomfort was harder on me than if she would have screamed and moved on them. They really are growing up.

This is what they placed in the roof of her mouth. I have the horrible task of turning a "key" every few days to expand the thing out wider. Which is really not fun for Haddie, The Dentist hopes she will only need it for 2-3 months. Fingers crossed.

My big brave six year old picked out a pink teddy as her reward. She was putting on a brave face.

Getting a good look at it. It is already a pain in the ass, she is having a real hard time eating and drinking with it...and sometimes food gets stuck up on it. Ugh I hope this works and the couple of months fly by.

She talks funny, and Xander told her to take it out he wants the old Hayden back :(

Her mouth was hurting her pretty good, I can only imagine how it feels to have some metal contraption in the roof of your mouth and then widened to expand your palate...can't be fun. I gave her some Tylenol and told her she needed to get her mind off it, that it was going to take a day or two to get used to it. We decided to take a walk together, this little lady bug flew right to us and landed for a minute or so.

We sat and swung for a little bit, it's really nice having a little 1:1 time sometimes.

She posed for ne quick picture for me...I love it!

She started feeling a bit better by the time we headed home, poor thing, I am not looking forward to turning that key again on Friday :(

We got started on a little project for their first day of school...can't wait to get it all done. School is going to start before we know it.

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