
Thursday, August 28, 2014

OK, I am surprised.

Today was a quick open house at the triplets new school, we have about 10 days until school starts for them. I brought in our giant box of supplies, that was pretty heavy...glad I don't have to do this on the first day. We were really eager to see what classes the trio got into.

I had no idea that they were doing just one open house for all 6 grades, so I wasn't prepared for the mad house that it was. I have no idea what they didn't break it up over 2 days...K-2 then 3-5 but I guess that is just too much work. It was nutty, there was no where to park and just mass amounts of people everywhere. We got in and got out as quickly as possible.
They were so excited. Good news for Jericho, I heard his Pre-K will be tentatively starting on September 16th. So he will only have to sit out about a week while the trio go to school until he can go too.

My shocker of the day, the triplets actually were put in the same class!!! I was NOT expecting that at all. This is Mrs. Solispotocki, she has 3 year old twins herself, I guess when the Principle came to her and told her I would prefer to keep them together and asked if she would be willing she was totally on board. Please Xander, Hayden and Lily do not make your Mom look like a fool and make us all sorry LOL.
The kiddos got to sort and put away all their school supplies.

We got this note on our door last night. I wish they hadn't picked a day we were going out of town, we would love to help, and use it as a teaching moment for the kids...that you don't destroy something that is beautiful or that doesn't belong to you. The story I heard on this wall when we moved in was that a neighbor lady painted this years and years ago when she lost her son in combat. How rude to ruin something with such meaning. I hope word of this clean up finds its way to Ashley & Emily (better yet finds its way to their parents) and they employ other methods to declare their love in the future.

Ashley & Emily, you are a couple of twat waffles...grow up, have some respect. That goes for so many of today's I hope we do a better job with our munchkins.

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