
Friday, August 29, 2014

Our last beach trip this summer.

Summer is just about over, lucky us that we have a fun 3 day weekend at the beach planned with our friends Barry and Michele and their daughter Mallory! Looks like we also lucked out...yet again on the weather, it is expected to be beautiful and perfect all weekend!!

Our poor SUV, I don't think we could have packed one more thing.

The kiddos are so very excited, hopefully the 3 hour drive to Florence will go a little better with half a dozen DVD movies to watch.

Speaking of the cars DVD player....

I was nominated today to do the Five Days of Positivity and Thankfulness challenge going around on FB, thanks Heidi. I need to share 3 positive things, for which I am thankful for, each day for five days. I also have the task of challenging three other friends with participating in the Challenge on my last day. I always do the month of thankful thing in November, and those get kind of deep and maybe a little corny, so for this one I am going to just go with the little things that are that day specific.
Today I have...
1- Spending long weekends away with friends.
2- Malibu rum and pineapple juice with a little dash of cinnamon.
3- Having a DVD player in the car for long drives with 4 little kids.

I won't be able to do the second day of my challenge until we get back, it seems we will be in the Twilight Zone with pretty much no service. I love it, hate it a little, but mostly love it LOL.
When we got into Florence we had to stop at Freddie's real quick. This guys car, dogs and couch were patiently waiting for his return, too funny not to snap a pic.

We got to the beach cabin right around bed time...even if the kids didn't agree.

It took a little bit to settle them down, but I hope they get a good nights rest...we have 3 busy days coming our way!

Jason and his long long time friend Barry, oh boy...what are we in for ;)

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