
Saturday, August 30, 2014

Beach, dunes and fires...oh my!

Day 1 was a success. Everyone slept well, and the kids were up and at em early. It was drizzling this morning, we were all a little worried, but it was done by 9:30 am and we took the 3 minute walk to the beach about 10 am.

It was a little foggy, but there was no wind, no rain, and it wasn't that cold either...well except for the parts that touched the water.

We spent a good hour playing on the beach.

Finding treasures.

And having a lot of fun with our friends.

Jericho is not much for cold water, but he liked running from the waves.

Barry had all the kids following him around.

I got my feet in...brrr. Kids are crazy, they got pretty soaked in that cold ass water.

Jason took this one...I kind of dig it.

Michele making me look short, I need shoes to hang with her...and I think I was a little down hill too :)

We got back and got all the wet kids changed, then spent a little time playing some games. Mallory did such a great job sharing her things.

Next stop was the dunes for some riding. Michele and I were nice and let the boys go first. We made ourselves a little play spot, the kids were in giant sand box heaven for a good 3 hours today.

The dogs had fun too. G has not been acting like himself, I am hoping all the activity...and stairs, just have the old man a little tired. We shall see. If this was his last trip anywhere...he had a good one.
Jason and Barry ready to ride.

He misses his dirt bike...he was really excited to go riding.

The last I saw of him for a good hour and a half.

The kiddos kept themselves busy for hours playing in the sand.

Fun stuff.

G and Mallory hanging out together.

The guys made it back in one piece, it has been a while for Jason LOL, so it was the girls turn. Michele took me out for a quad ride, my first. She is an excellent rider, but I still got scared a few times Hahaha!

Rock N Roll!

After our ride the guys went again. A bunch of tired, sore adults and 5 hungry kids headed back to the beach house for some dinner.

Jason ended up with a quick stop in the ER before dinner. He had a really sore swollen throat, I looked in his mouth and could not see his throat it was so swollen. Turns out he has an abscess on a tonsil, for the second time in his life...great timing. Good news is, he will live :)

Beautiful sunset tonight from the deck.

Xander and Barry got a fire going, Xan was a big fan of Barry...and all the outdoor chores he got to help with.

Can't do a beach camp out without S'mores!!!

My wild crew went hard today, I think they will sleep good tonight.

Xander loved catching his marshmallows on fire and then raised them up yelling something about having the sun in his hand LOL.

We had such a great day...can't wait for tomorrow!

Five Days of Positivity and Thankfulness challenge, day 2!

1-Being told to hold on tight before the quad I was on the back of took off up a sand dune like crazy...I would have ate it for sure otherwise.
2-Getting to give my kids these vacation experiences...even if they are not fancy and expensive ones, they are the best!!!!
3-Beautiful sunsets...and taking the moment to enjoy them.

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