
Sunday, August 31, 2014

Sore muscles won't stop the fun.

Ouch, Jason and I both woke up feeling yesterdays fun in every muscle we have LOL. That wasn't about to stop us from doing it again of course. Thankfully Jason's antibiotics kicked in pretty quickly and he was already feeling a little better.

Jericho and Xander were pretty bummed that they couldn't go for a ride today, but they at least got to sit on the bike and quad. Too cute!

I got a short turn in the drivers seat today, I think I want one LOL.

We didn't hang out as long today, the kiddos were over the giant sand box quicker. They did all have fun hanging in this tree like a bunch of monkeys.

Mallory loved hanging up there.

Of course Jericho had to have a turn.

The kid has no fear...and is pretty darn strong for 3 1/2.

Time to hit the beach again before dinner.

Another beautiful day!

Jericho loved playing with this little wheelbarrow.

The guys brought a couple sandboards along...slipping, sliding and laughing ensued.

Looking good you just need to get closer to the water with it.

Mallory and Hayden were the most interested in trying this sandboarding stuff out.

Jericho just played around in the sand...he was over the water.

Hayden got a couple of nice passes, with her Dads help.

Xander loved running and screaming like a mad man.

Woohoo go Haddie!!!

Jason took a few tries...he never ate it, but came close a few times LOL.

Some happy kids today...does the heart good.

I love this one of Mallory and her Dad :)

Hayden was doing a pretty great job...she has such a natural ability when it comes to most sports.

The big kids were having a blast.

Jericho and I headed back to the house, the others stayed for another half hour or so...and came back in serious need of showers.

Another full day of fun and activity...all 5 kids were ready to crash out after dinner and one last round of S'mores.

Cranky boy...ready for bed! Our last fun filled day, of this trip, coming up tomorrow.

Five Days of Positivity and Thankfulness challenge, day 3.

1-I love technology, but I am very thankful for vacations like this where I am forced to put the phone and laptop down for a few days. It is nice to unplug sometimes.
2-I am thankful that the worry wart in me is balanced well with the adventurous side of my hubby...we make a great team, in so many ways.
3-I am thankful for beautiful, out of the ordinary beautiful, weather when you really need it.

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