
Monday, September 1, 2014

I need to win the lottery, so vacations can go on forever.

I hate that vacations have to end, I need to be wealthy...then the fun never has to stop LOL.
We met up with a couple more friends to explore the tide pools back at the place we stayed in May...Inn At Otter Crest. We need to come back here again next summer, I really love this place.

It was a little greener this time, and the tide was working its way back in, but it was still fun to explore.

We were not really planning for the kids to get totally soaked..but I guess we should have LOL.

Jericho of course got drenched.

It was a beautiful day!

We all made it inside the Devil's Punch Bowl today. This is all under water and shooting up out of the top at high tide.

All she needs is a tail and water crashing up and I would have my own Little Mermaid Hehehe.

Checking out the little caves.

Our Team has been here before.

Wub! Dang we look a little tired huh LOL. Gangster is beat up, old man is going to need a week to recover :)

Rock climbing.

Lots of kids butts LOL.

Good fun.

My kids wanted to stay longer but it was lunch time and we needed to get started on the 3 hour drive home. Walking Athena helped Haddie not be so grumpy about leaving.

Thanks for a great weekend....until next time :)

Five Days Of Positivity and Thankfulness challenge, day 4.

1-So thankful to have a wonderful village of great family and friends. It does take a village.
2-Thankful we live in a place with seasons, just when you are about over summer...fall shows up. It is also super nice that Oregon has beaches, snowy mountains, lakes, sand dunes, farms, bustling really is a place for anyone.
3-As wonderful as vacations is always nice to go home again, and rest Hahaha.

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