
Sunday, August 3, 2014

Keep the good times rolling.

The kids tried to get up at 6 this morning, they wanted to look for bunny rabbits that come out in the morning. I managed to hold them off until 6:30 and they still got to see, and loudly announce, the bunnies. After a night in our tent I can say 2 things...1-we need a new air mattress, why do these things always start out full and firm and comfy, but end up a flat deflated worthless extra layer off the ground? 2-Gangster needs his own damn air mattress.

Got to see the sun come up through the tent windows.

We hung out until almost lunch time, the kids had more fun playing...and the adults got to let our hang overs subside LOL. Xan got a scraped knee, Kenzie told me "Don't worry, I'll get him a bandage", She grabbed her little first aid kit and totally nursed up Xander's knee. The cutest thing ever!

Nice job Kenzie, Xan is good as new :)

When we got home the girlss new booster seats had arrived. Xander's should be here any day now too, Jericho will move from his seat to Xan's Radian.

Haddie is too tall for the booster if the back is in its lowest position...she is getting so tall, come on 5'10"!!!

Jericho wanted to test it out...a couple more years until you are in a booster buddy, unless you sprout up like crazy too.

Bug was cranky when we left our friends, the new seat seems to have improved her mood...a bit.

We raised both the backs up a bit and the seats look like they are going to fit just fine.

My big

I totally took an hour nap, when I woke up it was crazy hot in our house...I looked at Jason and just said Why are we here. With just a little nudging we got in the car and headed for Grandma's cooling pool.

This is more like it.

Jericho loves floating in his old baby float, with his puddle jumper on too of course since he is too big for the baby float.

Who ordered the extra cheese? LOL.

A little dinner with Grandma.

We told the kiddos we would be able to do s'mores on our camp out...but didn't take into account the burn ban they have going on. So we promised our upset munchkins that we could do s'mores tonight. Helping Dad get the fire going.

Waiting patiently to roast some marshmallows.

Woohoo let the fun begin.

Mmm love some s'mores. What a fabulous weekend!

Can't believe summer is almost over already, just when it is getting good.

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