
Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Water fights with Grandma.

First trip out in their new booster seats. We decided to not put them 3 to a row anymore, they have been annoying each other more, thus annoying their parental units more, we are going to try this out for a while. There is still room for an extra person between the girls in the back too. Jericho got to move up to Xander's Radian...he is feeling like a big boy now too.
Look at all that precious cargo.

Loving the new seats, and space I think.
They have come such a long way. Just over one month old, bringing Xander home from the NICU in our tiny Outlander LOL.

The kiddos first drive in their new seats was over to Grandma's. I do miss living just 5 minutes from her house, especially in the summer when we seem to be over there almost weekly LOL. Xander brought a friend that needed some Grandma repairs.

Jericho sure does love this baby float. He ran to the pool house, went in and grabbed it, put it on and got in the pool totally on his own.

He has help close by. Hayden kept telling him "Don't worry your big sister Hayden is right here to help you."

Another beautiful day for chilling in the pool.

Xander got in a little farther today. All three of the bigs can touch at the shallow end...crazy!

Xan and Bug cheese time.

Jericho got chilly first, so he got out for a while, poor guy has too much of his body out of the water in that baby float to stay warm.

Haddie has pretty much surpassed Lily in the 'Loves swimming the most' category now. Pardon me, it was a zero makeup kind of day.

Jericho got back in the pool, and was rocking these goggles. He makes some of the best faces.

This kid is too darned handsome, look out girls...trouble.

Such a great and goofy smile this little wrecking ball.

He is just too cute to toss any photos LOL.

The kids Great Aunt Julie and Cousin Brock joined us for a dip and some dinner. She was nice enough to bring the kids some birthday gifts, since they were not able to make it to their party a few weeks ago. In addition to a bunch of great stuff she gave them some water blasters. Xander took his and started a mega water fight with his Grandma and Dad. I just sat back and took photos of the mayhem Hahaha.

How dare you squirt your Grandma when her back is turned, you are in trouble now.

Dad is a pretty good shot bud, stay out of range.

Xan and Grandma called a truce, then teamed up against Jason LOL.

Xander kept yelling "Take that!"

After we finally got Xander to end the water fight it was time for some yummy strawberry shortcake. Perfect end to a perfect day.

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