
Friday, August 8, 2014

Missing one of our 4 amigos today.

My nephew Tyler texted me this morning to ask if Xander could come over for a sleep over with Uncle Rick and Auntie Tia. I told Xan about the sleep over around 9am...he packed his back pack and refused to take it off, even though he didn't get picked up until like noon LOL. He was super excited to go hang out and have a sleep over, they also had big plans to see Guardians of the Galaxy together. My brother asked me what Xan would like for dinner, so I asked him and what does he say?? Salad. I love it when my kids make me look good. They decided on making spaghetti to go with the salad...another of his faves. I of course got a glowing report that he was a perfect little gentleman the whole time.

I had to take a couple pics, he was ready to go...about 2 hours early LOL.

I finally got him away from the door, with a little TV show, but he still wouldn't take off the back pack. Silly boy.

Jericho told his brother he couldn't go.

Group hug bye for Xan Man.

I love these booster seats...he can even carry it to Auntie's car.

OK bye Mom. Love you big boy!
We sure miss one of our amigos when they are absent...good thing there is no time to dwell :)

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