
Saturday, August 9, 2014

Oaks park is becoming a new fave.*

We hit up Oaks Park again today, my friend Dina's boys were having a birthday party. No lightening or sprinkling today, but that meant bigger crowds and longer lines...I think I'll take the rain and lightening LOL. We all had a great time...spent 6 1/2 hours on our feet, then ended up getting the kids home 3 hours late for bed. Their rooms were silent about 5 minutes after they got in them. Now that is a good day!

When we got to the park we sat and listened to a band for a bit. Hayden and Jericho went and got front row seats...and loved the show. Xander had a little trouble with the volume, and Bug was in a mood for the first half hour or so.

Haddie can't help herself, she loves live music...she was dancing in her seat for a good 15 minutes, then got to her feet and started entertaining people with her own unique dance style :)

Yummy dinner, before hitting the rides.

The kiddos were very impressed Tristan and Jordan's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle cake.

Dina's position of being the one introducing my poor deprived kids to the good, and junky, stuff is firmly held. Today she had the honor of giving them their first cotton candy. It is no wonder they adore you Dina Marie LOL. These bags lasted them 2 days, so at least they didn't inhale it all in one sugar filled gulp.

Happy Birthday boys!!!

Jericho loved seeing what he was tall enough for, I think his new shoes give him a little extra help. Funny new shoe story. Today was the first time he got to wear them. He put them on at home and was running all over the house in them. Then he tells me "Mom, these are running shoes." Then next thing I hear is a crash, and he says "Ouch, these are hurting shoes." LOL he cracks me up.
The girls were so happy to see Natalia, they spent pretty much every bit of the 6 1/2 hours together. They are such good friends, I love how well they get along.

Time to get on some rides!

Jericho loved this one too.

Happy kids!

I hate lines...I really do.

Natalia tried out Jason's hat.

Such a pretty day. I think this ride ended up being the kiddos fave.
The loudest, shrillest, screams came from the girls seat LOL.

My guys!!!

We got side tracked for a few minutes in the arcade area.

The girls fell in love with a big unicorn stuffed toy in here...we spent $25 trying to get that damn thing.

Got crazy close, then decided to give up. Someone got it as soon as we walked away...I was pissed LOL.

Carousel ride.

Hi Xan!

Miss Natalia.

A couple cuties :)

They loved this slide, enough to wait in the huge line...I don't see the draw but whatever LOL.

Jericho and Jason got lots of Daddy and son time today....and had a lot of fun together.

4 little peas.

So fun!

This was everyone's favorite game...everybody came away with a small stuffed animal. Jericho and Xander with a little help, Hayden actually won hers all by herself. Miss "I'm a lady and I don't need a gun, my husband will do that" is a pretty darn good shot with a water pistol LOL.

We spent a lot of time, and too much money to get all 9 kids a prize LOL.

Daddy and Jericho won this one.

Even with my help, Hayden beat everyone and won a prize on this one.

Took a little train ride, it was glorious getting off my feet for a few minutes...who thought wearing new shoes to Oaks Park was a good idea? Ouch.

My big handsome boy, such a sweet soul.
It got dark and a big ol moon came out.

This one was crazy fast.

One last ride on their new fave.

We actually closed the joint, and saw this crazy thing on our way out. Always so much fun spending time with our good friends, thanks for the invite!

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