
Sunday, August 10, 2014

Aquatic work out.

Another good day to stay cool, it got to like 97 today, so my friend and 7 kids, hung out ALL day at the pool. Gangster and Bella, the Frenchie, joined us too.

Bella thought the kids under the water were monsters LOL...especially when they started splashing her.

Jericho is not the only one who loves the baby float.

Xander time to put my camera down.

Bella popped like 5 beach balls today. Jericho thought the first one was so funny he kept going into the pool house and bringing her out more.

Jericho went back to see what was left of lunch. He found the peanut butter jar. Since the celery was all gone, he thought he would just use his hand.

I asked him what he was doing, he looks and me like duh, and says "eating". He left out making a gross peanut buttery mess.

Miss Bug chilling in the shade.

We thought 3 large pizzas would cut it for dinner...we needed a 4th, or at least should not have made them thin crust.

Grandma got home from work just in time to take care of poor Lily. She stepped on a bee and got her first sting. She took it like a champ, didn't even cry, though once she realized everyone was fussing over her she got into the roll of victim just a little more.

Thankfully she had no reaction, and after Grandma got the stinger out, a little baking soda and water paste made it all better. I told Lily she needs to be more careful and watch where she is walking, then she said "I didn't know the bee was walking there." LOL.
Everyone came over to help make her feel better, Natalia even covered her with a towel.

Of course at clean up time Lily was unable to help, I knew it was coming, she told us that her foot was "too stinging to help clean up" lazy Lily LOL.

Tomorrow is supposed to be 105...we'll be back!

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