
Monday, August 11, 2014

100 degrees out = death defying stunts in the pool!

Way too hot to stay home today, look at poor Jericho and Gangster...they are practically melting.

Lord help me when we think about getting a puppy, this dog is wonderfully lazy, potty trained, doesn't chew stuff up, and only gets food off the counters when a human leaves some within reach LOL.

We got to the pool about 3:30 and didn't leave until about was a long fun day!
My crew, ready to cool off. I really wish the water didn't feel almost cold on hot days. It feels great once you are in, but getting in is rough...for me and Haddie anyway.

We had cloud cover all day, so it probably would have gotten hotter than 100, but it was nice for pictures LOL.

Xan was doing a great job in the pool today, he is still our least comfortable with the water and trusting his puddle jumper...Jericho is a close second. Today he spent a lot of time in the shallow end, instead of staying on the stairs...he even went out in the deeper water, as long and he was right by the wall.
He did a lot of "diving" today too.

He is the only one comfortable with going all the way under the water though. The girls will not even attempt jumping off the sides in the water either. Way to go Xan Man!
Jericho taking a little break.

Jason and I got a little silly in the water today.

Ut oh...where are we going?

Nooooo...peace out!

Trying to stand up and balance on someone's shoulders is harder than it looks LOL. I fell many times attempting this stunt, thankfully no one was injured LOL.

The kids seemed impressed, and I think got a kick out of seeing Jason and I doing silly tricks in the water.

Hold it, hold no no.

Yeah that one was a belly flop.

Need to go lower on my squats I think LOL.

Good times...maybe next year the kids will be brave enough to try!
Such a nice without the sun beating right on us.

We did have 2 very short, like 3-5 min long, rain showers while we were swimming. No thunder or lightening involved, so we got to swim in the rain.
It was kind of neat to swim with rain drops falling on us.

Dina and her crew joined us for another swim BBQ and things got too crazy for pictures...lots of water fights "to the death", crazy piranha people swimming at us, me finding out I can pretty much float in the deep end without having to tread, kids and teens getting pushed in and Jericho even had a song made up in his honor. About a half hour before we left he decided to pee on the grass instead of going to the bathroom, so the kids started singing "He whipped it out and pee'd, he whipped it out and pee'd" pretty much until they left...dorks LOL.
I'm going to be sad to see this summer has been a super fun one!


  1. I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I'm jealous of your hot summer! It's not been warm enough to go to the pool here except for maybe three or four days. It's been in the low to mid 70s all summer with essentially zero humidity. We've only had our AC on a couple weeks in July even :/ It's been perfect play-outside weather, but a bit too chilly to hit the pool when the water is 79o!

  2. Came back to tell you, it's 64 here today ::cries::

  3. bueno.
    Actually the day after this we had thunder storms, and it's been in the 70's. Thankfully 80-90 temps should be back next week!
    I hope you guys get a little more summer, before summer is over.
