
Sunday, September 7, 2014

6 years later.

I'm feeling pretty sad, and nostalgic, today. Gangster has a vet appointment tomorrow morning to try and figure out what is going on with him, I am not expecting good news. I think it is mast cell tumors (Mastocytoma) which runs in his lines, and killed his dad at 10...G will be 10 (hopefully) this December. I wouldn't trade our almost 10 years together for anything, he has been one of the best dogs I have ever met or owned in my life. He has changed so many people's opinions about Pit Bulls...including my own, yes, I was a Pit Bull hater before he joined our family. He has been an amazing friend and protector for our babies too. He took to them like he hadn't already lived almost 4 years without them.

This is one of my favorite photo's of G and the trio...look how young and beefy he looks, he has always been such a handsome boy.
We attempted a little photo recreation today, G wasn't in the mood...or even capable, of moving to cooperate so we just worked with what we had. My how time flies.

The old man is going to leave a huge hole in our hearts...these 4 little kids are going to be totally heartbroken.

Yummy carrot treats, at least he is still eating and drinking.

You just don't get any cuter than this!

Best buds...damn we are going to miss this dog :(

In happier news, we went to Miss Laila's 1st birthday party today....the kiddos had a lot of fun meeting new kids and playing with Kianna for a couple hours.

The beautiful birthday girl!!

Lots of fun!

Happy birthday little princess.

A little song...

and make a wish!
The part they had been waiting for LOL.

Mmm looks good Jericho.

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