
Saturday, September 6, 2014

Worried about our old man G.

It was in the low 90's today, hot damn!!! Nice day for another poolside get together with friends.

Bella look out!

Tristan and Jordan had fun fighting each other.

The battle was epic.

The boys were not messing around.

It was totally no holds barred LOL.

Jordan won the first one, then they wanted to go again...and again.

The grownups were over it long before the kids were LOL.

The girls wanted to eat in the clubhouse, they were not thrilled when Jericho decided to join them.

The big boys ate over by the pool. It was nice for the adults to have the table all to ourselves for once.

Tristan and Jordan made up this little game, so of course the younger kiddos had to do it too. I swear Dina's kids introduce new ways to possibly injure themselves every time we see them LOL.

Thankfully there were no injuries today....just spinning fun.

Crazy kids!

Gangster is not doing well at all. He made it back from the beach trip, which I was not expecting with how he was acting, but he seems worse...if that is even possible. He has a dozen lumps and bumps (my honest guess is it is cancer :( ) all over him now, he has lost more weight...despite being fed double rations, he has lost interest in begging for food...SO NOT like him, he trembles even though it is far from cold, he whines and moans, he stays on his bed pretty much 24/7, and when he does try to get up he needs help to get to his feet and then he limps on almost every leg as he walks. It is not looking good for the old man. Today we started G on a THC tincture, Jason's sister makes it and has had amazing results with Slim dog. Hopefully it can work miracles for Gangster too...this is him after his first dose, it hit him about 5 minutes after we gave it to him...I have not seen G so relaxed and peaceful in a couple weeks. I am not a fan of recreational weed personally, but its medicinal properties certainly exist...and I hope they at least make the old man comfy.

The stuff...I read up on using marijuana medicinally and how you make these tinctures, pretty interesting stuff. Thanks Auntie Stacie, I am glad that we can at least make Gangster comfortable, even if we don't have the same luck you have had with Slim.
Hayden is helping G find his inner peace.

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