
Friday, September 5, 2014

It is not right to be this beautiful without any help.*

On a good day, I have to spend a minimum of 30 minutes in front of the bathroom mirror, with an arsenal of make-up products at my disposal, to look even half this beautiful. What gives?!?! LOL.

I took another "class" from my pro yo photog friend Wendy today, and managed to get some nice shots of the girls. I need to keep working on my skills for sure, but these didn't turn out half bad!

She is a little heart breaker...Daddy is already worried.

Am I the only one that thinks she does not look 6...and it is not like it was planned, no make-up, no posing...I just told her to smell her flower, holy crap Hahaha.
Our sweet, helpful, bossy, sporty, competitive baby girl. She is trying to grow up so fast on us.

Did I forget headstrong and sassy...those are for sure in there too LOL.

Such a pretty young lady.
Lily Bug took a turn playing model for me today too.

Her skin tone is so much more fair than Haddie's, it is really hard to not wash her out.

I love the little flower, I think it makes her hair and eyes pop even more. What a lovely little angel.

Miss Lily, our silly, funny, independent, entertaining, lazy and fiery little red head.

She has such a fantastic smile. How did I ever get blessed with two amazingly beautiful daughters?!

My boys photo shoot is going to have to happen on a different day, they were too busy playing and trying to hurt themselves. They asked if they could fill the pool, to get their legs wet. I said yes. Then I saw this. They pulled the empty pool over by the swings, then they filled it, then they were trying to jump out of their swings into the pool. Where the heck did they think this up from...we are in real danger of cranking out at least 2 adrenaline junkies.

Xan tried a couple different ways to launch himself from the swing into the pool.

Thankfully he kept his safety in mind, for now, and never made an unsafe jump.
In the end he just flung himself in the water. I can see the boys trying this one again in no time LOL.

My little man is creeping closer to 4, darn it I know better than to blink. He still says a lot of words more milk is "milt" and yogurt is "yogret". I have to remind myself to enjoy it while it lasts, as they grow up they also grow right out of these cute ways to say stuff. I remember funny ways the trio used to pronounce words, now all that is gone.
Jericho is a crack up, daily. Here is a little message he sent to his Auntie Allie today LOL. He is saying "Auntie Allie, I funkdefied your air" Lucky his Auntie gets his humor, she totally interpreted it to be 3 year old for here's a fart because I miss you LMAO!


  1. Haddie's look great! You can tell you were trying to see the story, not just the picture! Great improvements!
