
Monday, September 8, 2014

A new beginning, and the beginning of an end.

Today was both wonderful and awful. The wonderful was Xander, Hayden and Lily's first day of Kindergarten!!! They were super excited, jumped out of bed and were over-all pretty cooperative....I bet this changes in the years to come LOL.

I painted these adult size large T's...the idea is to get a picture of the kiddos in these every year, should be a neat project.

The trio lended a hand, I hope to get their other hand print when they start 12th grade...holy cow.

Bug was super excited...she loved her lady bug.

Haddie was so-so on her butterfly, since it wasn't pink and purple LOL.

My big 6 year olds look pretty small in these large T-shirts.

Too cute!

Class of

The chalkboard signs they helped me make, turned out pretty cute.

Believe it or not, I didn't cry. Maybe it is because they are only gone 3 hours a day, probably helps at least.

School was a little bit of a mad house...but they were so excited, I don't think they even noticed.

They walked right in, sat down and were like bye y'all Hahaha.

While the trio were in school we took G to the vet. This is were the awful part comes in. The vet agrees it is probably cancer, but since we don't want to do any chemo or surgery, they aren't going to try and delve in too deep to find out what kind...but probably mast cell. They don't think the cancer is the cause of his joint and bone least that doesn't fit with mast cell, so there is probably something secondary going on too. They took Xrays which looked normal to the vet but will be read by the radiologist tomorrow to know for sure. Gangster came home with antibiotics, steroids and tramadol (pain meds) which we will give along with the tincture (we are already seeing a slight improvement in him since starting the tincture!) The game plan is for comfort, not a sadly the old man is dying, now we just hope to keep him with us and comfortable for as long as we can. I am going to set small goals, right now I hope he can make it to the new year...we shall see.

Thank goodness the vet office had a nice little toy corner, Jericho was a wild man today.

After the vet it was time to wait at the bus stop for the trio, Jericho spent the time acting like a nut and rough housing with his Dad.

The bus was a little over 30 minutes my credit Jason was freaking out and ready to call the school at 20 minutes late, I held him off LOL. The kiddos were so excited to see us waiting, they were waving so much they took forever to get off the bus.

They had so much fun and are really excited to go back again tomorrow. We got to hear all about their day and new routines...pretty exciting stuff :)

We took them out to lunch as a special treat. My big kids!

Not too big for balloons of course LOL.

It is so strange to have such a happy day and such a sad day all in the same day...that is life I guess.

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