
Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Lily needs a drama club.*

Lily, Lily, Lily. This girl needs a drama club and her own phone. This is a post dedicated to what Lily does every chance she gets. She steals her Dads phone and starts snapping photos and making movies. They are usually super awesome...but they also fill up our phones like crazy.

Bug does a little Winnie The Pooh song. She cracks us up.
This one is almost as good as her 'In Summer' rendition from a few months ago. I think when summer is over we are going to seriously look into getting Lily into a drama club...I think she is a natural.

She loves to take pictures of herself with different facial expressions too.

The trio are doing AMAZING in school....they love it. Actually when they get home they tell us all excitedly that they "get" to go back tomorrow...they also add it is boring here and they want to go back to school LOL.

Silly Lily.

The old man gets a photo too. We got more bad news from the vet...looks like he does have cancer in his bones too. The vet misses it on the xrays, but when the radiologist looked at them he saw it. Mast cell does not go to bone, but it does do all the lumps and bumps that he has, so it is likely he has 2 types of cancer going on. The vet is not optimistic about his prognosis. She feels if we don't see a big improvement after a week on the meds that we aren't going to and since he is in a significant amount of pain it would be kinder to put him down. This is the bad side to pets, this is the sucky kiddos are going to be totally broken to say goodbye to him :(

More Lily Bug captures.

Selfies with Momma...she hates when I delete crappy photos too LOL.

My crew...they are keeping me on my toes.

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