
Thursday, September 11, 2014

Throw back Thursday.

This day is always just a depressing one...can't believe it has been 13 years since the attacks on our country. I am having a hard time knowing when my kids are old enough to learn about this horrible day, I do know it is not this year, so we didn't have any live TV on today, no replays of coverage from that day for us. I will never forget, but I couldn't take it this year.

Today is Throw Back Thursday I decided to dig up some oldies, but goodies, of G and the kiddos.
He has loved them since day 1.

He has always wanted to be right up in the mix.

He has always watched over them.

He has always been a best friend.

I can not believe it is almost time to say goodbye...this is going to be so hard :(
School is still going great for the trio...they love it and enjoy telling us all about their day. Tonight was back to school night, we got to go tour a little more and chat with their teacher. It has only been 4 days, so she didn't have much to say other than so far the kids are doing great. The girls are super super easy, and Xan needs a little more attention and feedback during his day. Neither come as a surprise to us LOL.
The kids love their story time, I figured Hayden and Xander would...they love when I read them their chapter almost every night, we have less than 100 pages left in the first Harry Potter book, but I was surprised to hear that Lily sits and listens well too, she is not very interested in the book I'm reading.

They liked showing us all over their classroom, and telling us about all the special things they do every day.

Xander is quite popular with the little girls already it seems. On our way in another family was coming out, their little girl got all excited and ran over to say hi to Xander. We got to hear from her Mom, Dad and even Grandma how much she likes Xander and that she talks about him so much they were really glad they got to meet him and put a face with the name. Little Dude never mentioned Maddie to us...hmpfh, and I thought my girls were going to be trouble LOL.

Jericho had fun checking out the room too...he gets to start Pre-K in one week!!!

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